Saturday, July 19, 2008

Prostate Cancer - How Prostate Cancer Grows And Why - Find Out

Prostate Cancer Information

Prostate Cancer is growing fast among the older men above 50 and as you grow older, your risk of having prostate cancer increases. Death is not definite in all the cases but the trouble it causes is nothing less than a slow death.

But if it gets diagnosed in its initial stage then it becomes easy to cure prostate cancer. And for that, you should know that how it grows.

Now what happens, the male hormones especially testosterone, stimulates the growth of cancer cells in the prostate. This testosterone is produced by the testes (nearly 95%) and the rest 5% is produced by the adrenal glands (small glands above each kidney).

Prostate Cancer is slow-growing

Prostate Cancer grows at a quite low pace. A man suffering from Prostate Cancer may lead a normal life for several years without ever having cancer discovered. As mentioned above, that this cancer grows with the growing age of an old man. In most of the cases, men with prostate cancer get diagnosed after they cross 65.

Painful Urinating - a prostate cancer symptom

This cancer can cause a lot of damage to your body. As the prostate cancer grows, it starts squeezing the urethra which results into painful urinating. This pain is considered to be the first alarming sign of prostate cancer. But its not right to relate this symptom always to prostate cancer, it can also occur due to some other infections. Sometimes, prostate cancer without showing any symptoms starts attacking the cells close to the prostate. And this is really dangerous.

Bone Pain - another prostate cancer symptom
A stage comes when the cells break off from the cancer and spread reaching the the lymph nodes, various bones (especially the hip-bone and the lower back), lungs and sometimes it reaches your brain. And then these cells form tumors in other parts of the body and start expanding. These expanded tumors start squeezing those body parts resulting in the advanced stage of prostate cancer. And when these cells reach your bones, it causes bone pain in your body.

Navneet Brar is one of the very few who love to help others in need, just by sharing useful information on anything and everything on internet for FREE. So, to know more about prostate cancer, go for prostate cancer symptoms. And to get the latest updates on anything on internet, kindly visit his website

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