Friday, October 17, 2008

Melanoma Cancer

Melanoma Cancer
By Max Bellamy

Melanoma is a skin disease where cancerous cells grow in the melanocytes, the cells that generate skin color. Melanoma is either known as malignant melanoma or cutaneous melanoma.

Of all types of skin cancer plaguing mankind, melanoma is considered the most serious. The epidermis, or the topmost layer of the skin, contains three types of cells liable to become cancerous. Those are squamous cells, basal cells and melanocytes. Squamous cell cancer and basal cell cancer are known as non-melanoma skin cancers. They are more widespread than melanoma. Melanoma, which is relatively less common than the other two, is indubitably more serious and complicated to treat than either squamous cell cancer or basal cell cancer.

Though it is normally found in adults, melanoma can be sporadically spotted in children and young people. The cancer generally grows in an already existing mole or a new mole that appears on the skin. Men commonly get melanomas on the area between the hips and the shoulders, the neck or the head. Women, on the other hand, contract the disease mostly on the arms of the legs. In exceptional cases, it can grow in body parts that are not covered by the skin, such as mouth, eyes, large intestines or vagina.

Melanoma can be cured if diagnosed early. Unlike other types of skin cancer, however, it can rapidly reach other parts of the body through the lymph system or the blood. Melanoma is responsible for about 80% of deaths occurring from skin cancer, although it constitutes less than 5% of all skin cancer cases. In the United States, the reported number of melanoma cases is growing alarmingly.

Melanoma provides detailed information on Melanoma, Malignant Melanoma, Melanoma Cancer, Nodular Melanoma and more. Melanoma is affiliated with Ozone Generator.

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What You Should Know About Prostate Cancer

What You Should Know About Prostate Cancer
By Helen Hecker

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men in the U.S. Men younger than 40 are rarely ever diagnosed with prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is deadly but can be cured if it's caught early enough. In most men, prostate cancer grows very slowly: most men will never know they have it.

The prostate is a small, walnut-sized structure that makes up part of a man's reproductive system; it wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body. The prostate gland is located directly beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum.

There may be other symptoms not mentioned here. Other symptoms might include unintentional weight loss and lethargy. There are several symptoms to be aware of.

Weak or interrupted flow of urine and painful or burning urination can be symptoms to watch out for. If cancer is caught at its earliest stages, most men will not experience any symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is the inability to urinate at all. A chest x-ray may be done to see if there's a spread of cancer. One downside to PSA testing is that health care providers are detecting and treating some very early-stage prostate cancers that may never have caused the patient any harm. Another test usually used when prostate cancer symptoms are present is the digital rectal exam (DRE) performed by the doctor.

A PSA test with a high level can also be from a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test measures the PSA enzyme in your blood for abnormalities. A urinalysis may indicate if there is blood in the urine.

The approaches to treatment include: ever watchful waiting to see whether the cancer is growing slowly and not causing any symptoms. In the early stages, surgery and radiation may be used to remove or attempt to kill the cancer cells or shrink the tumor. Hormone manipulation is mainly used as a treatment to relieve symptoms in men whose cancer has spread.

Treatment options can vary based on the stage of the tumor. What you can do now is begin to understand what exactly your treatment options are and where you're going to begin. Chemotherapy medications are often used to treat prostate cancers that are resistant to hormonal treatments.

Surgery, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy can interfere with libido on a temporary or permanent basis. Be aware that some men chose natural treatment options and forgo any surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Medicines can be used to adjust the levels of testosterone; called hormonal manipulation.

Prostate cancer that has spread (metastasized) may be treated conventionally with drugs to reduce testosterone levels, surgery to remove the testes, chemotherapy or nothing at all. Many men simply want the best treatment they can get but what's important is picking the best treatment for you. In patients whose health makes the risk of surgery unacceptably high, radiation therapy is often the chosen conventional alternative.

Radiation therapy is used primarily to treat prostate cancers classified as stages A, B, or C. If chemotherapy is decided upon, after the first round of chemotherapy, most men receive further doses on an outpatient basis at a clinic or physician's office. Being treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy is something to think through carefully and know that you have the option to refuse them.

If you've already been diagnosed with prostate cancer, pick the option that's best suited to you and your continuing good health. As new research comes out you can adjust your treatment options accordingly. Just about all men with prostate cancer survive at least five years after their diagnosis, 93% survive at least 10 years, and 67% survive more than 15 years.

For more information on prostate cancer treatments and prostate cancer symptoms go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in prostate and prostate cancer tips, advice and resources, including information on prostate tests and natural prostate cancer treatments

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Alcohol Stimulates Cancer Development

Alcohol Stimulates Cancer Development
By Laurence Magne

Researchers are now making a strong association between alcohol use and cancers of the esophagus, pharynx, and mouth, whereas another study links alcohol with liver, breast, and colorectal cancers. Together, these cancers kill more than 125,000 people annually in the United States. For the first time scientists have demonstrated how alcohol stimulates tumor growth.

Their study, published in the January 15, 2005 issue of Cancer, says alcohol fuels the production of a growth factor that stimulates blood vessel development in tumors. For almost a hundred years mounting evidence has linked alcohol use to an increased risk of cancers of the stomach, esophagus, liver, breast, and colon. Researchers were never able to explain how alcohol may cause cancer.

Theories suggests that the acetaldehyde found in alcohol, dietary imbalances, and impaired nutrient metabolism and the inability of the body to detoxify due to alcohol consumption, activation of precancerous enzymes, and suppression of the immune system.

8 Times More Cancer Cells

The investigators found that compared to their control group, the subjects who had been exposed to high alcohol consumption experienced increases in tumor size, tumor blood vessel density, cancer cell infiltration of blood vessels. Tumor volume and vascular volume more than doubled.

They had more than eight times the level of cancer cell invasion of blood vessels compared to the control group.

These findings support the hypothesis that alcohol represents an important mechanism of cancer progression associated with alcoholic beverage consumption. A recent study indicates that as few as two drinks per day can suppress any beneficial effects of a correct diet on decreasing risk of colon cancer. Although the study suggests that a diet high in folic acid, a B vitamin found in fresh fruits and vegetables, decreases the risk for colon cancer, it also warns that alcohol consumption may counter this protective action and increase the risk for colon cancer by reducing folic acid levels.

Suppression of immune response. Alcoholism has been associated with suppression of the immune system. Immune suppression makes chronic alcohol users more susceptible to various infectious diseases, and to cancer.

by Dr Laurence Magne, publisher of Alternative Health Ebooks and Author of Cancer Free for Life

For more information go to

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The Value Of Radiation Therapy And Chemotherapy After Surgery For Pancreatic Cancer

The Value Of Radiation Therapy And Chemotherapy After Surgery For Pancreatic Cancer
By Carol Kornmehl

Pancreatic cancer, which generally has a very poor prognosis, is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths. It killed greater than 32,000 Americans last year. Therefore, researchers are investigating methods to improve the outlook.

A large study recently demonstrated that patients who underwent surgical removal of the pancreas, who were given both radiation therapy and chemotherapy afterwards, derived improved survival.

When radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy are administered to a person who has undergone an operation to remove all the visible cancer, it is termed adjuvant therapy. An example of the routine use of adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy is that of a woman who has had a lumpectomy to remove a malignant breast tumor.

Investigators reviewed the records of 472 people who had complete surgical removal of the pancreas. All had negative margins, meaning a rim of normal tissue surrounded the cancer cells. Patients whose disease spread beyond the pancreas or whose disease could not be removed entirely were excluded from the study. Also excluded were patients who had a slow growing variant of pancreatic cancer.

At the end of the review, the records of 454 patients were eligible for analysis. A comparison was then made of those who received adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy concurrently after surgery versus those who did not.

Over half of the patients received adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy (274 out of 454 patients). 50 percent of these survived two years and 28 percent went on to live at least five years.

This data was in stark contrast to one-third (180 out of 454 patients) who received no additional therapy after surgery and whose survival was significantly less; 39 percent at two years and 17 percent at five years, respectively.

In addition, patients who received further chemotherapy after their course of adjuvant concomitant radiation therapy and chemotherapy seemed to have even better survival; 61 percent and 31 percent at two and five years, respectively. However, only 28 of 454 patients received this regimen, so it is premature to draw conclusions from this limited sized population.

Nonetheless, the findings of this study suggest a significant improvement in survival rates for those who undergo adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy after complete removal of pancreatic cancer. More good news is that the incidence of pancreatic cancer has decreased over the past few years.

Dr. Kornmehl is a board certified radiation oncologist at Passaic Beth Israel Regional Medical Center, Passaic, NJ and author of the critically acclaimed consumer health book, The Best News About Radiation Therapy (M. Evans, 2004). Her website is

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There Is More Than One Kind Of Breast Cancer: The Silent Killer (IBC)

There Is More Than One Kind Of Breast Cancer: The Silent Killer (IBC)
By Alfred Jones

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of IBC is certainly no exception.

Ladies have been told and frequently reminded by advertisements, Doctors, Women's Magazines and so on, that they should regularly check their breasts for a lump or lumps.If anything is found they should immediately seek medical advice. This is still true, see your doctor as soon as possible.

There is another kind of breast cancer, it is called Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), it is an accelerated type of breast cancer, and it usually does not show on a mammogram or ultrasound.It is a rare form of breast cancer, but it accounts for approximately 1% to 3% of all breast cancers.

It is a breast cancer that many ladies have never heard of, but it can be so serious that everyone should learn about it and what signs or symptoms to look for in its early stage of development.

Inflammatory breast cancer causes the breast to appear swollen and inflamed. This inflammation occurs, not because of an infection, but because the cancer cells block the lymphatic vessels in the skin of the breast, this blocks the lymph flow, which usually causes a red inflamed condition of the breast.

Truthfully, the only difference between you and IBC experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to IBC.

Some ladies have IBC even when they are seeing their doctor regularly, and they may remain undiagnosed for quite some time, which can be very unfortunate. The symptoms are very often similar to mastitis, a breast infection and doctors frequently fail to recognise that it is IBC, and will often prescribe antibiotics, if it has not cleared or showing signs of clearing within a week of taking the antibiotics, it is time to take further action, by seeing a specialist.

It appears that IBC can happen at a reasonably young age, in fact some ladies had the first symptoms during pregnancy or lactation. It is important to be aware of this disease, as younger ladies are thought to be at a lower risk for breast cancer, remember that IBC is the most aggressive form of breast cancer, and ignorance can result in metastases.

Typical Symptoms Of IBC

Swelling, quite sudden, as large as a cup in a few days. Itching. Pink, Red, or dark colored area sometimes with a texture similar to orange skin. Ridges and thickened area of the skin. Looks like bruising, but does not go away. Nipple retraction, or inverted. Discharge from the nipple.Breast is warmer than usual when touched. Pain in the breast. Color or a change in texture of the areola. One breast larger than the other. Rash. Swollen lymph nodes under the armpit. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Because IBC progresses rapidly, it is so important that ladies seek medical advice as soon as possible, don't ignore things in the hope that it will go away. Time is of the essence with this disease.

More information is available through the search engines, and I will add a link in the box below, where you can see a short video, or you can email me through my websites, and I will send you the video by email, so you can see the seriousness of this disease yourself. Tell all the ladies you know, because in this case knowledge is king.

Now you can understand why there ought to be more interest in IBC. When people start looking for more information about IBC, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.

Article by Alfred Jones, Information Advisor for Health Related websites and

Article may be freely used without permission as long as it is shown in its entirety.

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Breast Cancer When Chemotherapy Is Necessary

Breast Cancer - When Chemotherapy Is Necessary
By Chris Teo, Ph.D.

Anna /M241, is a 50-year-old female from Acheh, Indonesia. She had a lump in her right breast sometime in 2000. She refused medical treatment. Instead she went to Jakarta to seek alternative treatments. These did not help her. The breast lump grew bigger and in December 2004, it developed into a lacerated wound and bled. She went back to Acheh and enlisted the help of a medical doctor to take care of her wound. At the same time she continued with other alternative treatments. Unfortunately, this doctor had been swept away by the tsunami that struck the city not long ago.

In February 2007, Anna came to Penang to seek medical treatment. Due to the advanced stage of the disease, no radiotherapy or surgery was indicated. Anna was asked to undergo chemotherapy. She underwent four cycles of chemotherapy at a private hospital. She suffered total hair loss but no other adverse side effects. Each cycle of chemotherapy, given at three-weekly interval, costs RM 3,000. However, each trip to Penang for this treatment would come to about RM 7,000. It is indeed difficult to imagine such financial burden endured by a family who had lost their home to the tsunami. Because of this, Annas husband explained that they could NOT effort further chemotherapy and asked if they could turn to our therapy instead.

Anna came to see us on 5 August 2007. She appeared healthy and did not have any problem. The chemotherapy had helped her. Her lacerated wound had dried up and the tumor had shrunk significantly. The pains that she suffered earlier had subsided. She had gain weight and felt much better than before the chemotherapy.

A CT scan done on 9 May 2007, however, was most disappointing. It showed extensive metastasis to the pectoralis muscles and ribs. There were numerous well defined 4 to 25 mm nodules scattered in both lungs. The cancer had also spread to the lymph nodes. I asked Anna if the oncologist had told her the results of the scan. Her husband replied: No. The hospital gave us the films and we went home. We did not understand what it was all about.

I asked them: What did you expect when you came to the hospital for chemotherapy? Both of them replied: I expected to be cured.


It took me a while to regain my composure after looking at her scan. I was unsure if I should explain the results. I did not want to make her life miserable by telling her the bad news after all, is this not the responsibility of her oncologist? I hesitated but her husband probed me to tell them the truth, which I did. The metastases in Annas lungs were too numerous to count. While chemotherapy had helped her with the lacerated wounds, it was obvious that the treatment did not help her lung metastases.

Chemotherapy had helped make Annas life better. The lump has also shrunk. If four cycles were good for her, does it mean that more chemotherapy (up to eight cycles) would be better? Indeed this is debatable more does not necessarily mean better! While chemotherapy did not hurt Anna, it certainly hurt the pocket I would not say bank balance because I am not sure if there was any bank left after the tsunami.

I pointed out to Anna that it was a mistake not to remove the lump (or her breast) when she first detected it. Surgery could have saved her all the miseries that followed. In this regard, I would advise women to have the lumps in their breasts removed if possible. I asked Annas husband why they still continued with the ineffective treatments after knowing that the lump had gone bigger. Why wait for so long? Common sense should tell us that if after trying an alternative therapy for a month or two and it does not work or the condition deteriorates, patients should reevaluate their strategies move on to something that is more effective or evidence-based.

However, I also highlighted the good side of what she did. I know of numerous patients who died within two to three years after doing what their doctors told them to do -- mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Some even suffered severe pains and had bloated stomach before their death. So, undergoing medical treatment would not guarantee that everything would be fine.

Anna had breast tumor in 2000 and it is now 2007 and she is still alive and did not suffer any difficulties. She ought to be grateful for this blessing. I am reminded by what I have read. At a lecture at the American Cancer Society Conference in New Orleans on 3 July 1969, Professor Hardin Jones, University of California, Berkeley, was supposed to have said: My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or surgery.

In Malaysia, like elsewhere too, doctors often blame the herbs when things go wrong. Doctors want to have the first shot at cancer using their chemotherapy or radiotherapy. And if these fail they advise patients to go home and seek hospice help or go for herbs. Over the past decade, CA Care is the recipients of these terminally ill and medically give-up cases. I began to have the impression that going for invasive treatments at the first sign of cancer need not be a wise move. Sometimes, patients die because of the treatment rather than the cancer. Anna took the less traveled road. She sought alternative treatments and when these failed she turned to the invasive, toxic medical intervention perhaps dealing out her last card. It has been seven years and she is still alive. I repeat, many who took the well-trodden road barely manage to live three to four years. So, Annas adventure is not wrong, no matter how foolish doctors may think it is.

For more information about complementary cancer therapy visit:,,

Article Source:,Ph.D.

Colorectal Cancer Part 1: Some Basic Facts You May Want to Know

Colorectal Cancer Part 1: Some Basic Facts You May Want to Know
By Chris Teo, Ph.D.

Colorectal cancer is a disease due to the cancerous growth found in the large bowel, the end portion of the digestive tract which holds the undigested food that is waiting to be eliminated. The colon is about 5 to 6 feet long and 2.5 inches in diameter. The rectum is the last 6 to 8 inches of the colon which ends at the anus.

Cancer involving the upper part of the digestive tract or the small bowel (intestine) is rare. But cancer of the large bowel is very common. Colorectal cancer is said to be the fourth most common cancer worldwide. It is second only to lung cancer as a cause of death from cancer in the US. According to the American Cancer Society's publication -- Cancer Facts & Figures 2006 -- in 2006, approximately 148,610 new cases (72,800 men and 75,810 women) of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed in the US. And an estimated 37% or 55,170 people (27,870 men and 27,300 women) will die from it.

Colorectal cancer is predominantly a disease of people 50 years and older. Less than 6% of this cancer occurs in those below 50 years old. However, the incidence of colorectal cancer increases after age 50 and continues to increase until age 75.


Dietary factors are considered to be responsible for 80% to 90% of all cases of colorectal cancer.

1. Colorectal cancer is common in population with high intake of meat products and relatively low level of dietary fibre.

2. Diet high in animal fat is associated with increased rate of colorectal cancer.

3. Diet high in vegetable and cereal fibers decreased colorectal cancer rate. It is suggested that large quantities of vegetables and cereal fibers increase stool bulk, bacterial fermentation and hasten large bowel transit rate.

Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer

This cancer is often called the silent killer. In most people the cancer does not show any obvious symptoms at its early stage. One early symptom, in some patients, is bleeding. The tumour may bleed on and off giving out a small amount of blood. Sometimes, such bleeding is hardly noticeable. It is when the disease has progressed and becomes advanced that symptoms develop, such as:

1. Changes in bowel habits. This can manifest in constipation, diarrhoea, bowel incontinence, and feeling of unfinished bowel movement.

2. Production of narrower stools than normal.

3. Presence of blood in stools. Take note, however, that not all bleeding is due to cancer. Other problems such as hemorrhoids (piles), ulcers, ulcerative colitis, etc. can also produce blood in stools.

4. Anemia. This is the shortage of red blood cells.

5. Abdominal discomforts. This may be manifested in feelings of discomforts, bloatedness, fullnes, cramps or pains in the abdomen.

6. Weight loss.

7. Fatigue or feeling of extreme tiredness.

8. Vomiting.

Staging of Colorectal Cancer

Stage 0 (or carcinoma in situ): Tumour is in innermost lining of colon wall.

Stage I (Dukes A): Tumour in innermost lining, second and third layers of colon wall.

Stage II (Dukes B): Tumour grows through colon wall.

Stage III (Dukes C): Tumour grows out and spreads to lymph nodes.

Stage IV (Dukes D): Tumour has spread to other parts of the body.

Recurrent Cancer: The cancer has come back after being treated.


The prognosis of the disease is poor if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. This is considered as Stage 4. The five-year survival is only 5%. However, if the cancer is at its early stage, e.g., Stage 1 and 2, the five-year survival is 90% and 85% respectively. Therefore, the stage at diagnosis greatly impacts survival rates of colorectal cancer.

For more views on complementary cancer therapy, visit,

Article Source:,Ph.D.

What Prostate Cancer Treatment Is Right For You

What Prostate Cancer Treatment Is Right For You
By Mandi Fain

The population of men nearing the age of their forties and fifties are at risk for prostate cancer. The average age of men afflicted with this type of cancer is sixty-five and accounts for seventy-five percent of the cases of this cancer. An abnormal growth of the prostate requires some testing to determine if cancerous cells are present. This health problem grows rapidly and if not caught early enough may cause death. Prostate cancer treatment procedures vary for every person, as not all men have the same severity.

Many new treatment plans are in place, but still in the clinical stage while some standard prostate cancer treatment procedures call for removal of the prostate gland. With proper check up and early diagnosis will determine your individual treatment.

In the early stages, when you first show a few symptoms of a problem with the prostate, a doctor will watch you carefully until other determining signs become known. This is considered watchful waiting. Although, today most doctors will run some tests right away to rule out cancer, enlarged prostate or another problem with the gland itself might just be causing the problem.

Many different prostate cancer treatment procedures exist and most are invasive while costly as well. There are different surgeries for different patients, because not everyone is the same. Here are some procedures done:

Lymphadenectomy- this includes taking the lymph nodes from the pelvic area and examining them to see if they have any signs of cancerous cells or tumors that would in turn affect the prostate gland.

You can also find more info on Prostate Exam and Laser Prostate Treatment. is a comprehensive resource to know more about prostate cancer treatment.

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Cancer: Finding Reliable Medical Information On The Internet Five Tips To Help You

Cancer: Finding Reliable Medical Information On The Internet - Five Tips To Help You
By Glenn Sheiner

The medical environment has changed completely with the introduction of the internet and the proliferation of web sites offering free medical and healthcare information.

In todays world, more and more patients are using the internet to search for information about their diseases and for the latest treatment options. In fact, according to a recent Harris Interactive survey, more than 100 million adults in the U.S. are using the internet to search for health information.

Gone are the days when patients passively accepted the treatment offered by their doctors. Today, patients are partners in the decision making about their health.

So, the obvious question is How reliable is the medical information you find on these free medical web sites?

By the way, the fact that there are incredible free medical and healthcare information web sites on the internet doesnt necessarily make it easy to find good information.

For example, if you just enter the term Breast Cancer into Google a total of 130 million sites come up. Obviously, no one is going to look at all those sites in fact, most people rarely look beyond the sites listed on the front page or two.

As wonderful as the internet is as a resource, you must remember that there is a potential downside as well. In the healthcare market, just like in any other market, there are commercial entities trying to sell you a product. Some products may be legitimate but some may be scam cures just trying to take advantage of a cancer patients desperation.

And, since the internet is largely unregulated, there is little regulation of the marketing messages.

So here are five tips as you try to determine if the medical information web site youre visiting is reliable or not:

1. What Is The Ending Of The Website Name?

There are a number of sources of medical information on the internet which tend to be more reliable and trustworthy. These sources are more likely to be universities, hospitals, government agencies, and major public health and health advocacy organizations such as a national cancer society.

The ending of the web site can give you a clue as to the source. For example, the ending:

.gov means that the source is a government agency;.edu means that the source is a university or another educational institution;.com means that the source is run privately and very well may be a commercial enterprise);.org means that the source is a non-profit organization.

2. Who Is Responsible For The Site And What Is The Mission Of The Site?

Look to see if there is any information on who is responsible for the site and what the mission of the site is. On many web sites youll see a link, either at the top or bottom of the page, which says something like About US or Who We Are.

Click on the link and see what information you find.

3. Is The Medical Information Presented On The Site Scientific Or Anecdotal?

If medical information is presented on the web site then you should ask yourself is the information scientific or not. To be considered reliable, medical advances must be proven in scientific studies in which many patients are involved. Anecdotal studies of one patients response to a treatment are not considered to be reliable despite the fact that the stories may be extremely compelling. So, check out the web site. Are the medical facts presented as the results of documented studies or are anecdotal, undocumented stories of patients presented.

Also, check to see if references are presented if the results of studies are discussed. Are the studies from respected medical journals?

4. Who Are The Authors Of The Medical Information On The Site?

Check to see who the authors are. What are the credentials of the authors? If necessary, you can even search using the authors names to see how well known they are in their fields.

5. How Up To Date Is The Medical Information?

Medicine is a rapidly changing field and youll want to make sure that the health information at the site youre searching is updated frequently. If the information isnt updated regularly, they you may not learn about the latest developments.

The internet provides wonderful opportunities for patients to find the latest and best healthcare information. Using these tips can help you make sure the information you find is reliable and trustworthy.

Dr. Glenn Sheiner is a medical doctor and the author of the ebook and video tutorials Cancer Research Online Made Easy.. This downloadable package is available immediately and will help you find information you won't find on most cancer web sites. You'll quickly learn many sophisticated research techniques including how to find the latest medical articles on any type of cancer from around the world. And, how to find all the available clinical trials, including those from the world's most reknowned medical centers.

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History of Lung Cancer

History of Lung Cancer
By Steve Valentino

Lungs are part of the body, responsible for breathing. Lung cancer is caused by abnormal cells that grow into a malignant tumor. The factors that cause lung cancer are many.

Personal and family history of a person are two aspects that may cause lung cancer. Smoking is one of the primary reasons for growth of cancerous cells. History of chain smoking may increase chances of contracting this dreaded disease. It is also possible to be at risk even if not a smoker. Passive smokers are also susceptible to this disease.

Persons above the age of 40 are more liable to be afflicted with cancer. Though it is not a rule and there are enough younger people also who have been afflicted by this disease. People who are exposed to air pollution have to be especially careful and observe for tell tale signs of lung cancer.

Family history of lung cancer increases risks to the disease. It is therefore important to keep updated about the symptoms and causes of the disease. Sometimes the symptoms can be as simple as a cough or fatigue. At times it can be more complicated as a swelling in the throat or difficulty in breathing or swallowing. It is essential to keep tab on personal medical history to help in early detection of the disease.

Lung cancer is a disease that is difficult to detect. Usually it is in the later stages that doctors can actually detect the seriousness of the disease. Treatment for lung cancer is a tedious process. Advanced stages of lung cancer may require a combination of treatments to cure it. Chances of total cure are reduced, if the disease spreads to other parts of the body.

Due to its hereditary factor, children or relatives of lung cancer affected patients should take extra care to get checked regularly and rule out possibility of getting the disease. Regular exercise and a diet with low fat with high fiber content can reduce chances of getting the disease. It would be beneficial to quit smoking and stick to moderate consumption of alcohol.

Lung Cancer provides detailed information on Asbestos Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer Stages, Lung Cancer Survival Rate and more. Lung Cancer is affiliated with Asbestos Exposure.

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25th Wedding Anniversary Gifts

25th Wedding Anniversary Gifts
By Ross Bainbridge

25th wedding anniversary gifts are traditionally silver, but you can think creatively when buying a gift and shop for a couple with silver in mind, but not the expense. For example, you can send a dozen roses to a couple celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary with a card that states that silver symbolizes perfection and roses symbolize love.

25th anniversary gifts can be creative and fun. Tickets to a special event enclosed in a sliver envelop are a creative way to give a couple something unique and something they will enjoy. You can also give an engraved sliver platter loaded with fruit or cheeses or a gift certificate for a family portrait with a silver frame included.

If you are a photography buff, you can put together an album with favorite photos taken throughout the years including the wedding, their children, grandchildren, friends, trips, homes, etc. You can also include little quotes from special friends and family members wishing them a happy 25th. Another great idea is to put together a CD with popular songs from the 25 years of the couples marriage. A quilt with family photos silk-screened in each square will be a treasured gift for any couple celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, as would a poem written in silver ink and framed in silver.

Another popular gift idea is a wish tree. Either purchase a fake tree from a craft store, or glue branches together from your yard. Spray them silver and decorate each limb with ribbons and bows and special little gifts like certificates to restaurants, weekend get-away, family photos, etc.

Anniversaries are special occasions, and a 25th is truly a milestone. Its a great time to show the couple that you know, whether it is family or friends, just how much you care.

Anniversary Gifts provides detailed information on Anniversary Gifts, Wedding Anniversary Gifts, First Wedding Anniversary Gifts, 25Th Wedding Anniversary Gifts and more. Anniversary Gifts is affiliated with Unusual Romantic Gifts.

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Prevent Colon Cancer With 5 Easy Ways

Prevent Colon Cancer With 5 Easy Ways
By Sandra Kim Leong

Research studies are now going on how best to prevent colon cancer as more and more people are diagnosed with this condition today. It is found that colon cancer usually starts in the large intestine, also known as colon, or the rectum. Colon cancer then develops from dead cells that have been accumulated in a lump over a period of time. The risk to getting colon cancer increases if you have a genetic medical background of parents or close relatives who have been diagnosed with colon cancer. Research also showed that that colon cancer is aggravated by unhealthy diets such as ready meals and fast food.

Hence, it is vital that you seek the advice of your doctor should you feel the discomfort of colon cancer symptoms. The symptoms to look out for include unhealthy bowel occurrence such as diarrhea, constipation or bowel infection, severe pain in abdomen, blood in the stools, narrow stools, anemia, intestinal obstruction and drastic loss of weight.

Prevention is still better than cure. So you really should consider the following 5 ways on how best to prevent colon cancer:

1. Adopt healthy habits. Colon cancer usually develops over a length of period before it actually shows. Hence you should not wait till you notice the symptoms of colon cancer before starting to adopt healthy habits. Eat healthy meals, exercise and have an adequate amount of sleep.

If your diet contains too much high fat and red meats with little fiber, you are definitely at a high risk of developing colon cancer. Fat accumulates on the walls of the intestine and rectum, forming lumps of dead cells. You should therefore adopt a balanced natural diet which includes lots of green vegetables, fruits and water.

Exercise helps by flushing out harmful toxins and waste matter which if left accumulated in your body can cause cancerous growth.

2. Know your family medical history. It appears that colon cancer is a genetic disease that is hereditary. As such, if you belong to the high risk category due to your family history, then you should take extra precautions by leading a healthy lifestyle.

3. Stop smoking. Chain smoking increases your chance to developing colon cancer. Inhaling tobacco can easily transfer carcinogen (a cancer agent) to your colon and rectum, thus resulting in colon cancer. Hence, do not hesitate to find ways to quit smoking.

4. Reduce exposure to radiation. Excessive exposure to radiation has been found to cause colon cancer. Radiation rays are harmful and can render healthy normal cells abnormal. By all means, avoid unnecessary X-rays, CT scans, mammograms so that you can best prevent colon cancer.

5. If you observe that you are experiencing symptoms like skin allergies, weak immune system, poor movement of bowels, bloating, etc, then it may be that you have too much toxins in your body. Consider colon cleansing as a way of detoxification. There are a couple of ways to perform colon cleansing. These include consuming herbs for colon cleansing and colon hydrotherapy.

Sandra Kim Leong writes on colon cleansing. Her site also includes plenty of information on detox cleansing, detox diets and liver cleansing. For free articles and tips, please visit

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Discover How Breast Cancer Awareness Can Benefit You

Discover How Breast Cancer Awareness Can Benefit You
By Jon Arnold

You have undoubted run across many of the breast cancer awareness days and sessions that appear around the country sporadically. These are usually put on by a local group, a church, or sponsored by the American Cancer Society to promote breast cancer awareness in the community.

You might be wondering why your breast cancer awareness level should be raised and what benefit that represents for you, but all you need to do is look at the statistics about the reported cases of breast cancer. The reported cases of breast cancer has been rising steadily year after year, and for the coming year, the American Cancer Society estimates that there will be more than 200,000 diagnosed cases. Even scarier is that they also estimate that more than 40,000 of those cases of breast cancer will die from it.

Here is an even scarier fact for you -- did you know that breast cancer is not limited to women? Yes it is true. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be about 1600 cases of breast cancer in MEN this year, and that about 400 of them will die. So are you starting to see where breast cancer awareness is starting to be important to you and your health? With statistics like this, it is no wonder that they want to promote breast cancer awareness as much as possible.

Many people do not take this disease seriously, even despite these statistics. Although it is difficult to believe, there are many people who have not had a checkup or medical exam in the past 4, 5, or 10 years or more. How can you possibly take your health seriously if you do not have regular checkups and exams from your doctor or medical professional? One way is of course to raise your breast cancer awareness level since that is a disease where there is currently not a known cure.

Your best option for fighting breast cancer is to get early detection and early diagnosis. When breast cancer is detected early, your chances of being able to cope with it, to fight it, and via treatments like chemo, there are many documented cases of people who have beat it. But if it had not been detected and diagnosed early, those would almost certainly be different stories with radically different outcomes. What about those people who have not had a medical examination in the past 4 or 5 years? If they have developed breast cancer in that timeframe, it will certainly not be considered an early diagnosis and could even mean another fatality from breast cancer.

You need to become knowledgeable about the typical symptoms of breast cancer, and if you detect any of those symptoms at home, you should schedule a checkup with your doctor as soon as possible. For women of ages 18 to about 40, you should plan to schedule a checkup with your doctor once about every 2-3 years. For women over 40, that checkup should be not less than annually. Although breast cancer has not conclusively been determined to be hereditary, you might want to consider having checkups even more often is there is a history of cancer in your family tree. Keeping these statistics in mind, your level of breast cancer awareness should be raised where these regular checkups should be at the forefront of your mind.

Raise your breast cancer awareness levels and get those checkups. Be aware of the symptoms and if you see any of them, be sure to get an exam soon. Remember, the best chances for beating breast cancer are early detection and early diagnosis.

Jon is a prolific writer with expertise in a number of areas. Find out more information about Breast Cancer Awareness at his web site,

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Skin Cancer Symptoms + Treatments

Skin Cancer Symptoms + Treatments
By Chris Chenoweth

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer and is increasing in frequency every year. Because it is curable if diagnosed early, you should be aware of the symptoms and treatments.


Our skin protects our body from injury and infection and regulates our body temperature. It is the bodys largest organ and is made up of two main layers, the outer layer called the epidermis and the inner layer called the dermis.

The outer layer contains three kinds of cells, squamous cells which are flat and scaly cells on the surface, basal cells which are round cells located under the squamous cells and melanocytes (the cells that create the brown pigment that gives skin its color) that are located throughout the basal layer.


There are two types of skin cancer, non-melanoma and melanoma. Non-melanomas are the most common types and most easily cured. Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous form and the most difficult to treat.

Melanomas develop from skin cells called melanocytes. A melanoma can occur anywhere on the skin but is more likely to develop on certain parts of the body such as the legs for women and the trunk of the body for men.

Melanoma is much less common than the non-melanoma types but it is usually far more serious. Melanoma is almost always curable in its early stages. But, unlike the non-melanoma types of skin cancer, it spreads to other parts of the body making it very difficult to treat.

Non-melanomas include two types of cancer, basal cell cancers and squamous cell cancers. They are called non-melanomas because they develop from skin cells other than melanocytes. The high incidence of these cancers is related to over-exposure to the sun.

Basal cell cancer is the most common type of skin cancer and it occurs in the deepest layer of the skin. It is easier to cure than melanoma and it does not usually spread to other parts of the body.

Squamous cell skin cancer develops in the upper layer of the skin. It can spread to deeper layers of the skin and occasionally can spread to lymph nodes and other organs.


The following are warning signs of basal and squamous cell carcinoma. A mole, skin growth, or sore that:

*changes in color and appears translucent, tan, brown, black or multicolored.

*is bigger than other moles.

*becomes red or inflamed around the edges.

*increases in size or thickness.

*changes in texture

*changes in shape

*is bigger than the size of a pencil eraser

*becomes painful, itchy, crusty, or forms a scab

*starts oozing or bleeding


If you have any of the symptoms listed above and they are present for more than a month, you must see a doctor for further evaluation. If the doctor agrees with your suspicions, a skin biopsy (the surgical removal of part of the tissue from the suspicious growth) will be performed. The type of skin cancer, where it is located, and the size of the affected area will determine the skin biopsy method used.

Once the tissue is examined, a diagnosis is made. You and your physician can then discuss treatment options. There are many treatments available, including curettage, surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The treatment chosen is dependent upon the type of skin cancer that is diagnosed.

Remember, skin cancer is the most curable form of cancer if diagnosed and treated in its early stages. Know the symptoms, perform a self-exam every month, and see your physician if you have any suspicious skin growths.

Chris Chenoweth, author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE, writes articles pertaining to diet, exercise, health, and business.

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Prepare for Your Marriage Not Just the Wedding

Prepare for Your Marriage, Not Just the Wedding
By Susanne Alexander

With literally hundreds of details to remember in preparing for a wedding, you might forget a very important step: marriage preparation, a research-proven step that contributes to lasting marriages. When we are madly in love and dreaming of special dresses and wedding music, it can be easy to think that marriage will be a perpetual honeymoon, filled with constant happy moments, romantic days and nights, and light-hearted fun. Actually, your marriage can be great and filled with joyful timeswith some preparation, key skills, and realistic expectations. Marriage education and preparation workshops, counseling/coaching, and books can be a great pre-marriage present from your family too!

Here are some options to consider:

- Engage in great in-depth discussions, using books that provide questions for couples to ask one another; such as, 365 Questions for Couples, The Hard Questions, or Marriage Can Be ForeverPreparation Counts! These kinds of discussions strengthen your friendship and ensure youre compatible. Important keys areas to discuss thoroughly before marriage include money, children, religion, family relationships, and more. If youre having difficulty with the discussions, you might consider asking a married couple to mentor you and assist you with the process.

- Know the character strengths that are important to you in a partner, and ensure your partner has them, so you are confident your marriage will be on a firm foundation. Character qualities that are vital in marriage include truthfulness, trustworthiness, faithfulness, courtesy, respect, helpfulness, and more. For more information on this topic, see Pure Gold: Encouraging Character Qualities in Marriage (Second Edition), (ISBN: 0-9726893-5-4)

- Assess your relationship/couple strengths and growth areas with the assistance of a trained counselor or relationship coach so that you know what skills you may need to continue developing as a couple.

- Learn vital communication skills that will have you avoid conflict and fighting with one another and reach effective agreements instead. A great resource for books, videos, and workshops is The Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) (

- Assess the activities you do together leading up to the wedding and choose to participate in ones that will strengthen your friendship and assist you to know one another well. Great choices include performing community service, spending time with friends and family members, practicing spiritual activities, or working on a project together.

- Develop a list together of your shared commitments for your marriage. You can include whatever practices are most important to you in sustaining your marriage, such as weekly dates, praying with one another, enjoying time with children, continuing your education, treating one another with courtesy and love, deciding how you will settle disagreements, and so on.

- Prepare a list of your assets and debts, and create a post-wedding budget for your lives together. Agree on how you will handle your money during your marriage. Money can be a key area for marital conflict, and you may prevent some of it with advance planning.

So, heres what there is to rememberyou are preparing for a wonderful wedding day, an event that marks your transition into marriage, something you want to last a lifetime. Preparing for the marriage is a great investment of time in your future.

Websites, such as or, can direct you to research-based, professional services.

Copyright 2006 Susanne M. Alexander

Susanne M. Alexander is a relationship coach and marriage educator, as well as author of Can We Dance? Learning the Steps for a Fulfilling Relationship and Pure Gold: Encouraging Character Qualities in Marriage. She is president of Marriage Transformation LLC (

Article Source:,-Not-Just-the-Wedding&id=362508

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Recognizing And Battling Breast Cancer

Recognizing And Battling Breast Cancer
By Susan Jan

Breast cancer occurs due to the irrepressible growth of cells in the breast that invades the nearby tissues and spreads throughout the body. These collections of irrepressible growth of tissue are called tumors or malignant tumors. However, not all tumors are cancerous.

Breast cancer has been diagnosed in large numbers in North America and Europe. In 2001, about 200,000 cases of breast cancer were diagnosed in the United States alone. Every woman has a 1 in 8 risk of developing breast cancer, but the risk of dying from breast cancer is much lower, barely 1 in 28.

The risk of getting breast cancer is generally higher among older women, women with a family history or previous history of breast cancer, women who had radiation therapy in the chest region, women who started their periods before 12 years old, women who had menopause after 50 years old, women who never had children or had them age 30 or older, or women with genetic mutation. In recent times genetic mutations for breast cancer have become a hot topic of research.

The breast cancer tumor has the following symptoms: lump or thickening that appears on the breast or underarm, changes in the breast's shape, nipple turned inwards followed by colorless discharge, red or scaled skin or nipple, or ridges on the breast skin.

If a woman experiences any of these symptoms, it does not necessarily mean she has breast cancer. In such a case she should undergo a breast cancer personal check-up. It is estimated that 95% of breast cancer is detected through personal check-up. The breast cancer personal check-up includes checking for lumps in the breasts after each menstrual period, puckering the skin, and checking for nipple retraction or discharge. For consistent result, every woman should do a breast cancer personal check-up at the same time every month. Various other techniques such as mammography, thermography, ultrasonography, computerized tomography scan etc, can also help detect breast cancer.

Breast cancer treatments include surgery that removes cancerous tissues, with breast conservation therapy (BCT) being one such surgery. Other breast cancer treatments include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy and biologic therapy. Radiotherapy is a common breast cancer treatment, and radiation treatment and chemotherapy may follow surgery to ensure the destruction of the stray cancer cells.

Even after undergoing many or all of these breast cancer treatment measures, unfortunately almost half the women suffer from a recurrence of the disease.

If you are searching for ways to battle Breast Cancer, visit Susan's site at Susan's other articles are also available at

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8 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

8 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer
By Alex Fir

Women should focus on keeping breast health through good lifestyle and dietary choices.Here are eight ways to help you prevent breast cancer. They are supported with many researches and studies. You should embark them all if possible.

1. You should be more active. A recent Norwegian study discovered that women who exercised on a regular basis cut their breast cancer risk by 72 percent.

2. You should eat more unrefined seed foods. They all contain phytoestrogens. If you eat foods rich in these elements, you are 4 times less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. You should consume whole grains, beans, nuts, edible seeds, fruits and vegetables with their seeds.

3. You should eat less vegetable oil and increase the consumption of animal fat and dairy products. Consume yogurt, cheese, milk, butter, and olive oil on a daily basis, and eat meat from time to time.

4. You should eat less tofu and soy beverage. The isoflavone found in soy causes breast cancer cells to grow rapidly. On the other hand, eat more miso and tamari. Studies have found that they are very effective in preventing cancer.

5. You should eat foods rich in antioxidants. At the same time, avoid supplements of vitamins E and C. It was discovered that supplements increase breast cancer risk. Eat five to seven servings of dark green and bright red/orange foods every day.

6. You should sleep in the dark. Recent studies found out that exposure to light at night increases the risk of breast cancer by at least 36 percent.

7. You should drink red clover blossom infusion. Drink a quart of red clover infusion every week.

8. You should eat seaweed as a vegetable. Consume at least a half-cup serving per week. Wakame, kombu, kelp, and alaria are very effective.

If you follow these eight tips you will greatly increase your chances of preventing breast cancer.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website Breast Cancer Facts. To learn about symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer visit his site right now.

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7 Good Tips To Prevent Getting Cancer

7 Good Tips To Prevent Getting Cancer
By Jonathan Budd

To keep it short and sweet lets just say there is TONS of evidence to show where the increase in cancer is coming from. This article will tell you the latest facts and tidbits to help you prevent getting cancer.

1. To prevent getting cancer watch what you expose yourself too! Toxic molecules called free radicals have been proven to damage or mutate our cells at the molecular level. To prevent getting cancer avoid these toxic molecules as much as possible. Common sources are:

-House hold chemicals
-pesticides on your food
-air pollution
-increased sun exposure
-partially hydrogenated oils
-and everything else that doesnt seem natural to your body.

2. Watch what you eat! Diets rich in fruit and vegetables provide your body with very important antioxidants, which have been shown to prevent free radical damage. On the contrary bad foods which are loaded up with chemicals, preservatives, and processed garbage will weaken your body and increase your risks of disease.

3. Eat Organic Foods. Organic has much less risks of being contaminated with cancer causing molecules.

4. Reduce your stress and relax as much as possible to help prevent getting cancer! Stress has been proven to release a toxic hormone into your body that scientists have named the death hormone as it has devastating effects on other cells in your body. Do Yoga, Exercise, meditate, all proven things to help lower stress, ease anxiety, and promote an all around sense of well being.

5. Be emotionally healthy! Your emotions take a toll on your physical body if you store lots of emotional pain and baggage. Express whatever might be causing you pain and suffering and you will reduce risks of being prone to physical and mental disease.

6. Take a high quality nutritional supplement to help prevent getting cancer. High quality supplements have been proven to boost nutrient protection in the body and can add crucial defense where you might need it. Make sure it is a high quality supplement, and not some cheap industrial made manufactured vitamin which has very poor nutrient quality.

7. Be more Aware! Paying attention to all these things and living a more aware lifestyle will help prevent getting cancer. Watching over yourself and making sure you are making healthy decisions, and reducing exposure to cancer causing risk factors will make a huge difference in your life.

Its simple enough that anyone can do it, and these 7 highly effective tips could be the difference between you getting cancer or the other 1 out of 2.5 people in North America who will get cancer in their lifetime. Yea its that bad. And to prevent getting cancer we all have to start taking our health very seriously. Be more aware in your life and you are taking the first crucial step!

Jonathan Budd helps to protect and prevent people from getting degenerative diseases through bringing awareness of what causes these diseases, and offering powerful solutions to help people live a disease free life. learn more at

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The Value Of Radiation Therapy And Chemotherapy After Surgery For Pancreatic Cancer

The Value Of Radiation Therapy And Chemotherapy After Surgery For Pancreatic Cancer
By Carol Kornmehl

Pancreatic cancer, which generally has a very poor prognosis, is the fourth most common cause of cancer-related deaths. It killed greater than 32,000 Americans last year. Therefore, researchers are investigating methods to improve the outlook.

A large study recently demonstrated that patients who underwent surgical removal of the pancreas, who were given both radiation therapy and chemotherapy afterwards, derived improved survival.

When radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy are administered to a person who has undergone an operation to remove all the visible cancer, it is termed adjuvant therapy. An example of the routine use of adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy is that of a woman who has had a lumpectomy to remove a malignant breast tumor.

Investigators reviewed the records of 472 people who had complete surgical removal of the pancreas. All had negative margins, meaning a rim of normal tissue surrounded the cancer cells. Patients whose disease spread beyond the pancreas or whose disease could not be removed entirely were excluded from the study. Also excluded were patients who had a slow growing variant of pancreatic cancer.

At the end of the review, the records of 454 patients were eligible for analysis. A comparison was then made of those who received adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy concurrently after surgery versus those who did not.

Over half of the patients received adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy (274 out of 454 patients). 50 percent of these survived two years and 28 percent went on to live at least five years.

This data was in stark contrast to one-third (180 out of 454 patients) who received no additional therapy after surgery and whose survival was significantly less; 39 percent at two years and 17 percent at five years, respectively.

In addition, patients who received further chemotherapy after their course of adjuvant concomitant radiation therapy and chemotherapy seemed to have even better survival; 61 percent and 31 percent at two and five years, respectively. However, only 28 of 454 patients received this regimen, so it is premature to draw conclusions from this limited sized population.

Nonetheless, the findings of this study suggest a significant improvement in survival rates for those who undergo adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy after complete removal of pancreatic cancer. More good news is that the incidence of pancreatic cancer has decreased over the past few years.

Dr. Kornmehl is a board certified radiation oncologist at Passaic Beth Israel Regional Medical Center, Passaic, NJ and author of the critically acclaimed consumer health book, The Best News About Radiation Therapy (M. Evans, 2004). Her website is

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3 Simple But Highly Effective Steps To Avoiding Prostate Cancer

3 Simple But Highly Effective Steps To Avoiding Prostate Cancer
By Tim Gorman

When you mention the words prostate cancer around men it can literally put fear in their hearts. This disease is a very harsh condition that can prove fatal for a large percentage of individuals that contract it unless they start to protect themselves at an early age. Before going into some things you can do to avoid prostate cancer it needs to be mentioned that there are unfortunately some obstacles that simply cant be avoided. For instance if there is a history of prostate cancer in the family or if you are at a certain age where this form of cancer seems to appear quiet frankly then the reality is the likelihood of being diagnosed with prostate cancer is higher. However, there are a few things you can do now to combat the effects of catching prostate cancer. They include a proper diet, plenty of exercise and an annual checkup or health exam.

Simply put exercise is one of the most beneficial things anyone can do to improve their overall health and quality of life. Let's be honest our bodies require enough exercise stimulation in order to stay health, strong and function properly. The fact is you really should exercise on a regular basis in order to stay in good shape. Exercise also has the benefit of helping your body stay disease free, to include cancer. By sticking to an exercise plan you significantly lower your chances of contracting prostate cancer and should you actually be diagnosed with the disease your body will be in much better shape and capable of dealing with the adverse effects of cancer in the prostate gland while you undergo treatment for the condition.

Naturally, diet is another crucial factor to leading and living a healthy lifestyle and it fits nicely with a good exercise program. In fact, medical studies show that a well balanced diet has the most effect on whether or not you lead a health life. Unhealthy foods, such as those found in fast food restaurants, are a precursor to future health related problems to include prostate cancer. Generally speaking, most medical professionals and doctors highly recommend the nutrient called lycopene as a supplement needed to help prevent all forms of cancer to include the dreaded prostate cancer. Although Lycopene is found in many different foods it is abundantly found in papaya, tomatoes, watermelons and guava. Additionally you can choose to take vitamins, nutrient supplements and minerals that contain lycopene.

All of the health eating and exercise daily routines mean nothing if you fail to schedule an annual health exam or medical checkup. Although these dont necessarily help you avoid cancer they do assist in the early detection of prostate cancer which is extremely important because in most cases early detection was the key to be able to successfully cure prostate cancer that was diagnosed in a majority of males. A yearly or annual exam is highly recommended, but if you are in a higher risk category then perhaps a semi-annual exam would prove to be better.

Prostate cancer isn't something to mess around with, but by adapting a health diet incorporated with an exercise routine used in conjunction with a regular health examination the odds of staying cancer free are higher and should you be diagnosed with prostate cancer you stand a much better chance of beating the disease.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Online Prostate Health where he provides more important information on the prostate gland, prostate cancer and prostate cancer symptoms that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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3 Questions Away From Diagnosis

3 Questions Away From Diagnosis
By T Mi

There are many things that come into play when you talk about your risk factors for contracting mesothelioma. The most significant one is your history with asbestos. If you are experiencing any symptoms of mesothelioma and are curious as to whether or not you may have the disease, you should ask yourself a few brief questions.

Question one. Has my job ever required me to deal with asbestos? If you answered yes to the first question, there is no need to panic. Just because you have come in contact with asbestos means nothing. Many people come in contact with asbestos everyday and dont develop mesothelioma. Lets move on.

Question 2. How long did I work with asbestos? This question is very important. The development of mesothelioma is very dependent on the amount of time you were exposed to the asbestos.

Question 3. This question is a milestone question. It will help you distinguish whether what you have is mesothelioma or another condition. How long since your asbestos exposure have your symptoms developed?

You dont need to be exact. Just give an estimate. Now that youve answered these three questions, lets analyze your answers. If your answers are anywhere along the lines of the ones Im going to provide, I highly encourage you to visit your physician.

Question 1: Yes. Question 2: 1 year or more. Question 3: 30 years or more.

If you answered no to question one, you are likely experiencing symptoms of another condition. If you answered yes to two of the questions, including question one, it is advisable that you consult with your physician for further research. If you answered yes to all three, I highly advise that you seek immediate professional guidance. It is of crucial importance that this disease is diagnosed early. This will greatly increase your chances of recovery.

A professional writer with an active interest in Mesothelioma Cancer.

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Norwalk Juicers And Gerson Therapy Can Help In The Battle With Cancer

Norwalk Juicers And Gerson Therapy Can Help In The Battle With Cancer
By Piers Crispin

The Story of Norwalk Juicers
The story of the Norwalk Juicer began a long time ago. The development of the original hydraulic press juicer almost a hundred years ago, eventually led to the Norwalk Juicer, as it is known today. The Norwalk Juicer is still sold. The Norwalk Juicer cuts and grates the produce using a vortex triturator with the resulting mass extracted into a linen bag which is then placed under a hydraulic press. The hydraulic press then exerts a huge downforce that sees the extraction from the Norwalk Juicer of 50%-100% more juice than other juicers.

Norwalk Juicers and Gerson Therapy
The Norwalk Juicer is best known in conjunction with the Gerson Therapy, also known as the Gerson Diet or the Gerson Protocol. Dr Gerson's Principles of Healing is a powerful, natural treatment that boosts your body's own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Gerson had very specific requirements for the type of juicer used. The Gerson Institute recommends the Norwalk Juicer which will handle both the grinding stage as well as the pressing stage. Used by Gerson patients and at Gerson-approved Hospitals, the Norwalk Juicer is capable of using raw or cooked vegetables and fruits, nuts and cereals to produce a variety of healthy meals.

The Benefits of Norwalk Juicers
The Norwalk Juicer has many benefits, including:

  • Easy clean-up with all parts on the front of the machine and easily accessible
  • Stainless-steel construction, built in the USA and with a 12 year guarantee
  • Fast and efficient - with 50%-100% more juice than other juicers
  • Gently grinds and presses so there is no oxidation and 3 to 5 times more nutrients
  • Available in oak (wood grain) or stainless steel

If price is not a priority, and you want something that can be passed down to your kids, then a Norwalk Juicer is the way to go. Many people claim that it is the world's best juicer that money can buy. The Norwalk Juicer Model 270 is the current model on sale new from Norwalk, but you can get some fantastic deals by purchasing a used model via eBay. Previous models include the 170, 230, 235 and 265 Norwalk Juicers.

This article was written by Piers Crispin, a writer on consumer affairs. Please visit for more information on Norwalk Juicers, as well as Juice Extractors.

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Higher Leverage Against Lung Cancer

Higher Leverage Against Lung Cancer
By Hendrick Wilbur

The fight against cancer has been progressively advancing through the years. Combined efforts from the government, civil society, and health advocacy groups have gained dramatic results. Cancer awareness is on the rise, alternative less cancer-prone lifestyles are arising, while medical researches and technological advancement have tremendously leveled up the fight against one of the world's leading killer. The classic chemotherapy has been modernized and combined with other treatments like radiation, laser, and even organic medicines.

In America alone, the National Health Institute of the US Department of Health and Human Services through its anti-cancer arm National Cancer Institute reported that the death rate due to cancer is still on the decline. In it's annual report to the nation, the NCI claimed that the cancer death rates are progressively declining and progress in cancer treatments are continuously on the rise. In men, study from 1993 to 2002 recorded a decline of 1.5 percent death rate from all cases of cancer. This is higher compared to women's 0.08 percent decline rate.

This report has put the US Department of Health and Human Services at a better position in achieving the goals of its Health People 2010 campaign. The statistics revealed that lung cancer is still consistently leading the nation's cancer death rates. Although a decrease in tobacco-related cancer cases is being achieved, the challenge to drastically reduce its death toll is still as hard as it has always been before. With more and more people puffing cigarettes, lung or bronco cancer is still the leading cause of cancer deaths among men and women.

Dubbed as he most common cancer, lung cancer is now the subject of numerous studies and experimentations in many countries with advance cancer research programs and facilities like the United Kingdom and Australia. A wider knowledge on lung cancer is now available. A classification has been made between Small Cell Lung Cancer and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Small cell lung cancer is the case where in malignant cancer cells grow in the tissues of the lungs. Three types of Small Cell Lung Cancer are known: small cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and combined small cell carcinoma. Smoking, second hand smoking, and exposure to asbestos and radon are the known causes of Small Cell Lung Cancer. Current treatments do not successfully cure cases of Small Cell Lung Cancer. However, studies in Germany revealed that surgery (removal of cancer cells or tumor), systematic post-surgery chemotherapy, and sustained local treatments (e.g. *radiation therapy*) have a higher probability of curing this type of lung cancer.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, on the other hand, is the most common type of lung cancer. It accounts for four of every five deaths from lung cancer. There are several known types of Non-Small Lung Cancer, the three most common are the Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Large Cell Carcinoma, and Adenocarcinoma. The others are pleomorphic, carcinoid tumor, and salivary gland carcinoma. Like the other lung cancer type, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is mostly caused by smoking (first and second hand), high exposure to air pollution, and exposure to chemicals like asbestos, chromium, and arsenic.

In 2005, the New England Journal of Medicine reported a breakthrough in treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. It reported that current studies reveal that chemotherapy, after the traditional Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer treatment of surgery, can increase the survival rate among patients. In a study, an overwhelming 15 percent increase of survival rate was recorded among patients who had chemotherapy after surgery. Sixty-nine percent of those who had post-surgery chemotherapy's were reported to be still alive five years after the surgery compared to the 54 percent who did not.

Furthermore, a study in Switzerland suggested an even greater breakthrough for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer treatment. The study proposed that in addition to chemotherapy, a combination of the innovative cancer drugs Tarceva and Avastin can lead to higher survival rate for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer patients. Tarceva is approved in the US and across the European Union for patients with unsuccessful cancer treatments through chemotherapy. Also in US and Europe, Avastin is a popular effective medicine for colorectal cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, and breast cancer. The proposed combination is seen to serve as a stronger combat against Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, especially for the recurring cases.

In the US, the Health and Human Services Department clearly targets the habit of smoking as the main antagonist in the fight against lung cancer. A propaganda campaign is almost everywhere to make Americans, if not totally quit, slowdown on smoking.

For more valuable information on Cancer, Heart Health, please visit

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Winter Wedding in the Country Horse Drawn Carriage and Sleigh Rides

Winter Wedding in the Country, Horse Drawn Carriage and Sleigh Rides
By Ken Bissonette

To get from church to reception, why not have a horse drawn carriage pull up to the church or chapel? Cover up with blankets on the way to your reception or place where you are having your pictures done. You may also want to consider a sleigh if you're wedding is in the country. Hear the bells as you glide through the snow.

A white limo or car decorated in winter wedding colors is another option to consider. You may want to serve hot drinks as your guests enter the reception site. Serve brandy, Irish Cream, de menthe, Cream de cocoa, coffee with Irish Cream or Baileys, or hot apple cider. They can sit or stand by the crackling fire, as they chat and wait for the Bride and Groom.

For entertainment at your reception, think of different things to do. Guests dressed in long coats and tall hats could skate on a nearby rink or pond, while bride and groom have pictures done, or as a part of the reception. Some ideas for your winter reception meal include serving a butternut squash soup with roast beef and horseradish, roast duck or lamb, baby greens and new potatoes.

Have a flaming fig pudding and your wedding cake for dessert. Decorate your wedding cake with icicles and small silver bells, or green ivy and small red berries or roses. At the end of the evening give your guests wedding favors. Give tiny snow globes with a winter theme inside, spiced teas, gingerbread, potpourri, candles, and others.

Complete your winter wedding with a winter honeymoon. Ski in Aspen or the Canadian Rockies. Visit Austria or Switzerland for a true winter holiday.

Ken and Deidre Bissonette are successful authors and publishers of Wedding Information for the Bride and Groom

Article Source:,-Horse-Drawn-Carriage-and-Sleigh-Rides&id=115106

Colon Cancer Is Caused By Two Genes

Colon Cancer Is Caused By Two Genes
By Groshan Fabiola

After researchers discovered another colon cancer gene, the second so far, they concluded that they have found the causes of over 90 percent of the disease in its inherited form.

Every year 156,000 people are diagnosed with colon cancer and six of those cases are caused by those two genes together. In the same time, around 30 percent of non inherited cases are caused by these two genes of colon cancer.

It is expected that in the near future researchers will come out with some new tests to identify the presence of these genes in an individual and if either one of these is found, doctors can do tumor checks more frequently permitting them to discover them earlier while they can still be surgically removed. With this new knowledge it is assumed that over 90 percent of all that cases caused by inherited colon cancer can be evoited.

Researchers are confident that this new discovery will lead to new anticancer drugs in a very short time period, a period of two to five years.

The genes are found on different chromosomes, but both of them act almost in the same way, being just like a guardian checking every new piece of synthesized DNA to make sure that no mutations appeared. But, if one of these genes is corrupted the new synthesized DNA pieces will be altered really bad and you will develop cancer as a result. Usually inherited cancer appears at the age of 50.

Thanks to these new discoveries new screening tests will be available for the general population. Most specialists agree that this is a huge step for the medical science resulting in the saving of countless lives and a great cost reduction in the medical system.

One of these genes is present in about 1 every 200 people all around the world making it the number one genetic defect. Screening will save a huge amount of lives but researchers already raise economic concerns regarding the medical health care; it may be possible that future agencies will deny the right to a health insurance just on the reason that a client presents a higher risk because he has one of these genes.

For more resource on different colon cancer subjects please click this link You can also find valuable information about metastatic colon cancer or even about colon cancer treatment

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Want Some Simple Suggestions to Do What You Can to Protect Yourself from Prostate Cancer?

Want Some Simple Suggestions to Do What You Can to Protect Yourself from Prostate Cancer?
By Patricia Wagner

If you're a man, you're also a potential prostate cancer sufferer. This dreaded disease is one of the most common cancers for men who are 50 years of age and older.

What are some signs of possible prostate cancer? Here is a list of 9 symptoms:

1. You have to run to the bathroom to urinate a lot more frequently than you did in the past. This is especially true at night.

2. There is unusual discomfort and pain while urinating. A burning sensation may be present as well.

3. After urinating, dribbling occurs.

4. You have trouble completely voiding your bladder.

5. It's hard to start and stop urinating.

6. The flow of urine is not steady, but weak and often interrupted.

7. Impotence or impaired function may occur.

8. Blood may be present in urine or semen.

9. There may be back pain and pain in nearby areas.

Prostate cancer develops very slowly, so you might not experience symptoms until the disease is in an advanced state.

There are other diseases that also have these accompanying symptoms, so be sure to see a doctor for a checkup and for medical advice.

Prostate cancer can be fatal, so why not do all you can do to try to protect yourself? Why not use all the available health weapons out there -- such as the following suggestions?

1. Eating the right foods can help you prevent or fight prostate cancer.

Be sure to eat a lot of different types of fresh fruits and vegetables each day.

Some foods are more powerful than others in preventing the growth of cancer.

For example, including fish in your diet is one of the healthiest things you can do. Here's why: fish oils tend to decrease the risks of being attacked by prostate cancer. Studies show that among cultures where the population often eats fish, there is less prostate cancer.

Keep in mind that soybean products are especially healthful. Two soybean products are soya milk and tofu.

Include a lot of tomato products in your anti-cancer diet as well. Be sure to take advantage of the lowly tomato's cancer-fighting properties by eating lots of fresh tomatoes and tomato sauces. Tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene. That's one reason why tomatoes are the king of fruits and vegetables when it comes to helping prevent prostate cancer.

Eat whole grain bread and cereals and avoid food choices made of white flour.

Eat foods rich in calcium. This is especially important for men who suffer from advanced prostate cancer.

2. Certain foods harm your health, so avoid them as much as possible.

Fatty foods and processed sugars are especially dangerous to your health.

Eating too much red meat is harmful to your health as well.

3. Take vitamins and mineral supplements.

One of the most powerful supplements in protecting from cancer is selenium, so include it too.

Also take natural Vitamin E that for protection.

Even though lycopene is found in tomatoes, be sure to take it as a supplement as well. Research reveals encouraging news for men who undergone prostate cancer surgery. Lycopene seems to help prostate surgery patients experience less pain and may even help them to live longer.

4. Try to maintain your ideal weight instead of letting yourself become obese, so exercise regularly.

Prostate cancer is a life-threatening disease, so do all you can to protect your health.

Learn how to protect yourself from cancer of the prostate gland. Patricia Wagner provides a variety of health and wellness tips to help you be healthier at

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7 Stages of Cancer Development

7 Stages of Cancer Development
By Siew Yin Gark

You must have heard of this statistic that out of every 3 of us, one of us will get cancer. But do you know that back in 1901, only 1 in 8,000 got cancer? Our body actually tries in so many ways to give us all the warnings and symptoms to tell us that something is not right and we need to do something about it!

Let us see from the Holistic Health Science point of view how cancer develops in 7 stages.

First stage, Enervation.
It is not recognized as a disease yet. Most people will just feel tired, exhausted and worn-out at this stage. The best way to recover from enervation is to get enough sleep as sleep is the greatest energy charger! Inadequate sleep and rest are the main causes of enervation.

Second stage, Toxemia or intoxication.
Toxemia is a state where toxins saturate our body. This happens when we fail to observe our capacities and ignore the symptoms of enervation. We continue to overwork, sleep late and are under great stress.

Third stage, Irritation is when we feel itchy and uncomfortable, or when we have irritating but not painful areas.
Irritation results from toxic substances being sensed by our nervous system. Our body is giving us signal to move away from this condition.

Fourth stage, Inflammation.
Its only at this stage that doctors recognize it as disease as it involves pain. Maybe youve experienced this before: you completely lost your appetite; and you don't feel hungry at all even youve not been eating for the whole day, all you want to do is just to sleep and rest! Sounds familiar? The area becomes inflamed due to the continuous irritation of toxic substances. Appendicitis (appendix), tonsillitis (tonsils), hepatitis (liver) and nephritis (kidney) are all inflammation but in different areas.

Fifth stage, Ulceration.
Our body use ulcer as a way to drain toxic built-up, it will heal if causes are stopped. Cells and tissue structures are being damaged due to our bodys inability to live in increasing toxin.

Sixth stage, Induration, or often called tumor formation.
Induration is the process where our tissue hardened so that ulcer and toxic materials can be kept inside and sealed off by the hardening of the tissue around them. This is a way of quarantining the toxins. This shows how our body tries so hard to protect us even at this stage! However, if we continue with our destructive lifestyles and diet patterns, our body will eventually dissolve the hard tissue when the toxin level is so high and it can no loner take it! This means the toxins will leak and circulate to other parts of the body, and that leads to cancer...

Final stage, Cancer.
Our cells have become parasitic at this stage. Cancer is usually fatal, it can ONLY be reversible with the condition of us stopping the causes and indulge in healthful practices, as healthful practices are the universal panacea!

Siew Yin Gark's philosophy has always been that there are no quick fixes to staying healthy. She believes that we can attain health only through proper diet, exercise, sleep and rest and the results will be long term. You can get her latest tips and sharing on health for FREE at her blog:

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Skin Cancer Causes Symptoms and Treatment

Skin Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
By Juliet Cohen

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States.Skin cancer the abnormal growth of skin cells most often develops on skin exposed to the sun. The two most common types are basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer. Skin cancer is a malignant growth on the skin which can have many causes. Skin cancer generally develops in the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, so a tumor is usually clearly visible. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the single most important cause of skin cancer, especially when the overexposure resulted in sunburn and blistering. This makes most skin cancers etectable in the early stages. There are three common types of skin cancer, each of which is named after the type of skin cell from which it arises.

The two most common forms of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinomas have an excellent cure rate when detected early.

Together, these two are also referred to as nonmelanoma skin cancer. Melanoma is generally the most serious form of skin cancer because it tends to spread (metastasize) throughout the body quickly. Skin cancers are the fastest growing cancers in the United States and in the USA represent the most commonly diagnosed malignancy, surpassing lung, breast, colorectal and prostate cancer.While skin cancers can be found on any part of the body, about 80 percent appear on the face, head, or neck, where they can be disfiguring as well as dangerous.

Causes of Skin Cancer

1.Ultraviolet (UV) radiation.



4.Environment (Cloud cover).

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

1.Change in a wart or mole.

2.Red, tender, flat spot that bleeds easily.

3.Small, fleshy bump with a smooth, pearly appearance.

4.Shiny bump that may look like a mole or cyst.

5.Skin growth that looks like a wart.

6.Patch of skin that feels scaly, bleeds, or develops a crust.

Treatment of Skin Cancer

Most skin cancers can be treated by removal of the lesion, making sure that the edges (margins) are free of tumor cells. The excisions provide the best cure for both early and high-risk disease. Radiation therapy and cryotherapy (freezing the cancer off) can provide adequate control of the disease; both, however, have lower overall cure rates than surgery. Moh's Microsurgery is a technique where the cancer is removed with the least amount of surrounding tissue and the edges checked immediately to see if tumor is found. Chemotherapy, drugs are used to kill cancer cells. For cancers limited to the top layer of skin, creams or lotions containing anti-cancer agents may be applied directly to the skin. Other types of chemotherapy can be used to treat skin cancers that have spread to other parts of the body.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for skin disorders. She also writes articles for beauty tips and makeup tips.

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Choosing a Caterer for Your Wedding Reception

Choosing a Caterer for Your Wedding Reception
By Jasmine Macdonald

Your wedding reception is the biggest party you will ever throw so you want to make sure you do it right. Choosing the right caterer is essential. Take it from me not all caterers are created equal.

Here is a list of tips to help your choose a great caterer

1. Get Referrals

A good place to start looking for a caterer is right in your own backyard. Ask your married friends, family and coworkers for referrals. You can also look in your local phone book. When you're interviewing your caterer, ask him/her to supply you with references. If the caterer refuses your request, it may be a good idea to leave and go onto the next interview.

2. Licenses & liability Insurance

Make sure the caterer is licensed in your state and has liability insurance. Insurance is very important in case one of your guests gets food poisoning (God Forbid!), chips a tooth, or is involved in an accident after leaving your reception. If the caterer does not have insurance, ask him/her if you can buy some.

3. Budget

The main thing you must consider is your budget. Before meeting with your caterer know exactly how much money you can afford to spend. A good caterer is creative and will gladly work with you to make sure you can stick to that budget. Do not let the caterer talk you into something you cannot afford as you do not need the extra stress worrying about how to pay for it.

4. Flexibility

Is your caterer flexible? Does he/she listen to your ideas and concerns. Will the caterer serve special food for guests with dietary restrictions such as vegetarians, and people with food allergies. Would the caterer be willing to cook a special family dish?

5. Personality & Style

Do you feel comfortable with the caterer. Do you have similar tastes? Beware of the know-it-all caterer who tries to talk you into something you do not want.

6. Food

Be careful! The caterer will try to sell you the most expensive meal plans. Ask how much each plate will cost. How much food each person will receive. Will you serve hors d'oeuvres and what is the cost?

(Money Saving Tip: Tray pass hors d'oeuvres during cocktail hour and serve a lighter meal.)

Don't forget to ask about your wedding cake. Will they make one for you or do you need to bring your own. If the caterer is making the cake, do not assume they know how. Ask if they have any sample cakes you can see. Also you should show the caterer pictures of any cakes you like.

7. Taste Testing the Food

Most caterers will allow you to sample the planned dishes. This is very important as you do not want any surprises at your reception. Also, with any luck you may be able to taste a sample of your wedding cake.

8. Servers

Does the caterer provide waiter and waitresses. You will need approximately one server for every ten guests. Also you should ask what kind of clothes the waitstaff wears. Are you allowed to make wardrobe requests?

9. Decorations

When seeking a caterer you also want to know what types of decorations are offered - tableskirts, linens, centerpieces etc.

10. Place Settings

What does the place setting consist of. A good caterer will gladly show you what the plates, glasses and silverware will look like.

11. Bar

What about beverages. How will you be charged? By consumption or by how many bottles are opened. Exactly what are the charges per bottle. And what are the brands to be served. How many bottles will be served? Will you be refunded money for any unopened bottles?

Money Saving Tips: To reduce your bar tab only serve, beer, wine and soft drinks. You may also consider offering your guests an open bar for the first hour or two and then making them pay for their own drinks.

12. Little extra fees

Be careful of all the little extra fees the caterer will throw at you.

  • Servers, waiters & hostess fees (plus gratuities)
  • Tableware/Linen Fees
  • Bartender & Bar Fees & (plus gratuities)
  • Overtime fees
  • Cancellation fees ~ Make sure you have the cancellation policy in writing!
  • Extra food fees
  • Policy on champagne. Are there any pouring fees?
  • Cutting Cake fees
To make sure you are not charged for any hidden fees Read your caterer's contract very carefully before signing it. Make sure that all the items mentioned above are clearly stated. If they are not listed, have them written in before signing. Also discuss a payment schedule with your caterer. Never pay for everything in advance. With a little preparation, you can stick to your budget and have the party of your dreams!

Jasmine Macdonald is a wedding website designer. You can visit her at or read her wedding blog at

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Melanoma Cancer

Melanoma Cancer
By Max Bellamy

Melanoma is a skin disease where cancerous cells grow in the melanocytes, the cells that generate skin color. Melanoma is either known as malignant melanoma or cutaneous melanoma.

Of all types of skin cancer plaguing mankind, melanoma is considered the most serious. The epidermis, or the topmost layer of the skin, contains three types of cells liable to become cancerous. Those are squamous cells, basal cells and melanocytes. Squamous cell cancer and basal cell cancer are known as non-melanoma skin cancers. They are more widespread than melanoma. Melanoma, which is relatively less common than the other two, is indubitably more serious and complicated to treat than either squamous cell cancer or basal cell cancer.

Though it is normally found in adults, melanoma can be sporadically spotted in children and young people. The cancer generally grows in an already existing mole or a new mole that appears on the skin. Men commonly get melanomas on the area between the hips and the shoulders, the neck or the head. Women, on the other hand, contract the disease mostly on the arms of the legs. In exceptional cases, it can grow in body parts that are not covered by the skin, such as mouth, eyes, large intestines or vagina.

Melanoma can be cured if diagnosed early. Unlike other types of skin cancer, however, it can rapidly reach other parts of the body through the lymph system or the blood. Melanoma is responsible for about 80% of deaths occurring from skin cancer, although it constitutes less than 5% of all skin cancer cases. In the United States, the reported number of melanoma cases is growing alarmingly.

Melanoma provides detailed information on Melanoma, Malignant Melanoma, Melanoma Cancer, Nodular Melanoma and more. Melanoma is affiliated with Ozone Generator.

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