Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Breast Cancer Risk: Simple Steps to Prevent Disease

If young women take certain simple steps when they are adolescents, they may reduce risk of breast cancer later in life. A research suggests that puberty could be a crucial time for development of breast cancer.

Regular exercise is believed to delay the beginning of a girl's first menstrual period. That is when the body creates hormones that stimulate the majority of breast cancers. According to a study, just 4 hours of weekly exercise can postpone hormone surges for up to 12 months.

Four hours a week is not a large amount of activity for a girl. She can play dodge ball, play on the playground or ride her bike. Because exercise can lower hormone activity, it can reduce risk of breast cancer, even after a girl starts having periods.

One more way is cutting back on fat. Girl who cut her fat intake by only 6 percent lowered her estrogen and progesterone levels by at least 30 percent, according to a study. These theories are not really well tested and need more research.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, other than skin cancer. In the United States approximately 183,000 new cases are diagnosed and about 41,000 women die each year from cancer originating in the breast.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website http://www.informationonbreastcancer.info. To read more about risk factors for breast cancer visit Information on Breast Cancer today.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

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Breast Cancer A Death Sentence Caused By Neglect

The biggest majority of women who concern themselves over developing breast cancer are the ones who do not even bother to do a self examination (Not all)

Self inspection of the breasts should be a main priority for every woman. Breast cancer caught in the early stages of growth will give better odds for the patient to control the disease with the help of today`s modern medicines and technology.

Breast cancer is common among the female species and can be a death sentence if ignored. By neglecting yourself in this department with absent regular check ups then you can expect a painful road ahead - congested of heartache and pain for those close to you as well. Breast cancer is treatable, so now is the time to set a date in the diary for regular self breast examination.

One of the first signs or symptoms of breast cancer is a lump in the breast. You will find that most breast lumps discovered early are rated as 9 out of 10 as being benign. Breast lumpiness can be that of breast change which usually becomes more obvious just before the start of a period, particularly in women over the age of 35

Also cysts/sacs of fluid is not uncommon in the breast tissue causing a feel of lumpiness. Fibroadenoma is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue which is more notably known to occur in younger women If you notice a change in the shape/size of the breast or a lump even thickening then always check this out with your doctor. Other signs to look out for is dimpling of the skin or nipple shape changing, for example, if the nipple turns in or sinks back into the breast. Blood-stained discharge from the nipple or an unusual blemish or rash around the surrounding area needs to be checked out.

A swelling or lump under your armpit can also be a sign. If you have found that you have any of the above symptoms then seek medical attention right away.

Do not worry at this stage because breast lumps as such do not necessarily mean cancer. However the above mentioned inverted nipple or blood stained discharge etc can mean another type of ailment, either way these will need attention

The doctor will examine the breast and if necessary will refer you to a specialist for further checks. If the results from a mammogram or ultra sound shows a cyst, then to have it removed may entail draining it through a fine needle. If the lump is solid then treatment will be with the use of a very fine needle where a sample of tissue will be taken and tested for cancer cells.

This is a disease you can fight but once it spreads, then the breast cancer becomes a battlefield leaving you fighting for survival. Early detection can stop this war.

Don't fight this battle alone - talk to someone http://www.coveringhealth.com Want to feel beautiful again http://www.spotthepimple.com

The Case of the Nun's Disease

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Kidney Cancer Synopsis

Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that effects your kidneys, which are located behind your stomach, in your lower back just below your ribs. There are two of them and they are each about the size of your fist. They are important organs and you can exist with only one kidney but if you lose them both, that is not the case. Your kidneys are part of the urinary system and serve an important part in the process of waste removal in your body.
They are also part of the process of red blood cell production and work to control blood pressure. Each kidney is a package of many small filtering units, called "nephrons". Kidney transplants are a fairly common operation now and it is possible for a person to donate one of their kidneys and live the rest of their lives, using the one remaining kidney. Just like any other organ in your body, your kidneys can develop cancer.

In its early stages, kidney cancer very rarely shows any symptoms, so unless it is detected by a doctor, by a urinalysis test, the chances of a person noticing anything unusual, or out of the ordinary, relating to the cancer, are very slim. Children and adults tend to develop two different types of kidney cancer. The type that adults are most likely to develop is called (renal adenocarcinoma) and the type of kidney cancer that children are most likely to develop is called (Wilm's tumor).

In its later stages, when it generally does start to show some physical symptoms, these symptoms will tend to be as follows. Noticeable blood in the urine. It is possible to have blood in your urine in such small quantity that it is not noticeable to the naked eye. Small amounts of blood can be detected by a doctor by testing the urine for blood. Another symptom of kidney cancer is a loss in weight.

Some people can tend to see weight loss as a blessing. Particularly weight loss that has occurred through no effort. Sudden unaccounted for weight loss however is a symptom of many types of cancer and diseases. So unless a person has made an effort to lose weight, it is wise to view unaccounted for weight loss, particularly large weight loss that occurs suddenly, with some measure of concern. Another symptom of kidney cancer is back pain that doesn't seem to go away.

Like so many other cancers, an early detection is a key to a full recovery. The longer a cancer, like kidney cancer, remains undetected the better the chance it has to spread to other parts of your body. When a cancer spreads to another part of your body it is said to "metastasize". If detected early though, the chances for a full recovery are very good. There are several forms of treatment for kidney cancer and what stage the cancer is in, can be a major determinating factor in what type of treatment is used to attack the cancer.

In the past, surgery for kidney cancer involved the removal of the entire kidney. Research has led to a change of procedure in recent years. It was determined that by removing only the tumor and leaving the kidney intact, when it was possible, the patient faced a lesser chance of kidney failure and an increased quality of life after the treatment.

Another type of treatment for kidney cancer is referred to as "arterial embolization". This is a procedure where the vessel that supplies blood to the cancerous kidney is blocked. Other treatments include radiation therapy and chemo therapy and immunotherapy, which uses your bodies own immune system to fight the cancer.

Article by Sven Ullmann, who runs Deserved Health - information on health for you and your family. Read more about kidney cancer.

Kidney Cancer Synopsis
By Sven Ullmann

What is Kidney Cancer?

There are basically three types of kidney cancer:

1. Renal Cell Carcinoma: Renal cell carcinoma is cancer that forms in the lining of very small tubes in the kidney that filter the blood and remove waste products.

2. Renal Pelvis Carcinoma: Renal pelvis carcinoma is cancer that forms in the center of the kidney where urine collects.

3. Wilms Tumor: Wilms tumor usually develops in children under the age of five.

This year, it is estimated that there will be 54,390 new cases diagnosed. It is also estimated that there will be 13,010 deaths caused by the disease.

People are born with two kidneys. One is located on each side of the spine in the lower abdomen. The good news is that people can live full lives with a normal life expectancy with only one. It is important to note here that all tumors found in the kidneys are not cancerous. As a matter of fact, most cancers found are benign.

Most often, renal cell carcinoma and renal pelvis carcinoma develop in people over the age of 40. There is no way to determine who is more likely to develop the disease but there are some factors that raise the risk.

Smoking: Smoking both cigarettes and/or cigars raises the risk of developing all kinds of cancer, including kidney cancer.

Obesity: Obesity seems to be a major risk factor in developing this type if cancer.

Gender: Men are more likely to get the disease than women. About 20,000 men and 12,000 women learn they have kidney cancer each year in the United States.

Occupation: Iron and steel workers and workers who are exposed to asbestos and cadmium are more likely to develop kidney cancer.

Milos Pesic is a respected surgeon who specializes in treating all forms of cancer and runs a comprehensive Cancer Treatment web site. For more articles and resources on cancer symptoms and treatments, breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, prostate and colon cancer and much more, visit his site at:

What is Kidney Cancer?
By Milos Pesic

Detecting Kidney Cancer

In order for you to understand kidney cancer more completely, let us first look at the description and functions of the kidneys. Kidneys are basically the organs in the body responsible for producing and then ridding the body of, liquid waste substance known as urine. The kidney is able to perform this function because of the filtration that occurs in millions of nephrons in this organ. The kidneys are also designed in such a way that it can remove the liquid waste substances but return the filtered liquid to the blood stream and thus it allows the body to retain its water balance. It should also be noted that there is a special hormone that is made in the pituitary gland that controls and regulates the water content in the body.

Kidney cancer is a very dangerous and painful disease in severe cases. However, you should also remember that everyone has two kidneys in the body and if one becomes damaged or can no longer function properly, there is still no immediate problem to be worried about because one kidney can be sufficient for the body's needs and survival. Kidney cancer also constitutes around four percent of all cancers and it affects more males that females. So males should be on the lookout for possible signs of kidney problems.

Some symptoms for kidney cancer include having blood in your urine but it may also be invisible. Another symptom is the chronic pain in the back and side of your abdominal region. Or signs of kidney cancers may be felt in the upper abdomen when you feel lumps or fullness in this area. On the other hand, there may actually be no symptoms of kidney cancer in some cases although you already have this disease. For this reason, it is essential that you try to live a healthy lifestyle that ensures you have a disease free existence.

Meanwhile, around fifteen to twenty percent of people who have present tumors removed confirm that the symptoms of having blood in the urine, pain in the abdominal region and the sensation of fullness and having lumps in the upper abdomen all disappear upon the surgical removal of the tumors. Still other symptoms of kidney cancer you should watch out for include having constipation, fever and the loss of appetite. You may also experience feeling nauseous and vomit in some cases. Anemia or low red blood cell count and polycythemia, which are high blood cell count, may also be experienced when you have kidney cancer.

Because the symptoms present in kidney cancer are not as extreme as other cancers and some of the conditions you may experience are quite common, it is rarely that people can detect kidney cancer at its early stages. But you should be particularly careful when you are in the age of 30 to 70 because most cases of kidney cancer occur at this stage.

Overall, you should remember that preventing cancer is always the best possible option because cancer whether it is kidney, lung, or breast cancer, is difficult to cure once it is already present in your body.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Kidney Cancer

Detecting Kidney Cancer
By Michael Russell

Kidney Cancer

Most Who Develop Kidney Cancer are Smokers

Except in rare cases, humans are born with two kidneys. The kidneys are essential organs that we use to get rid of extra water and waste from our blood. Kidneys also help control our blood pressure. Even though humans have two kidneys, we can function normally with just one. However, if both kidneys must be removed, either because of kidney cancer of any other kidney disease, the body cannot function without dialysis. When kidney cancer is found, doctors usually remove the kidney with the cancer and then the patient usually undergoes additional treatment. You can reduce your risk of developing kidney cancer by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and more information and tips are widely available.

What is Dialysis?

You must undergo dialysis treatments if you’ve had both kidneys removed due to kidney cancer or anther disease. Dialysis utilizes a machine that artificially removes waste from your blood stream. There are many potential side effects of using a dialysis machine; however, the benefits outweigh the risks. Dialysis treatment allows a person who has survived kidney cancer or any other kidney disease to live a somewhat normal life.

How is Kidney Cancer Treated?

When kidney cancer is diagnosed, the first step for treatment is usually surgery to remove the kidney(s). After surgery, it is common to treat kidney cancer with radiation, chemotherapy, and/or hormone therapy. Depending on how severe the kidney cancer case is, different variations or combinations of treatments may be used. If a kidney cancer patient is a good candidate, he or she may also receive a kidney transplant.

Who is at Risk?

People who smoke cigarettes or cigars are at a higher risk of developing most types of cancer, including kidney cancer. Also, people who are considered obsess and those who have high blood pressure are also at a greater risk of developing kidney cancer. Males are also more likely to develop kidney cancer, but the reason for this statistic is unknown. There is also a genetic factor that plays a role in who is at risk for developing kidney cancer.

Additional Kidney Cancer Information

There is an endless list of information on kidney cancer available on the Internet. Articles, research papers and medical documents are just a few of the many documents related to kidney cancer available. There are official sites, such as the American Cancer Society, and there are also testimonials from actual kidney cancer patients, both of which discuss causes, treatments, and living with this disease.

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their Kidney Cancer blog for more information.

Kidney Cancer
By Karen Lavender and Warren Lavender

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is a malignant tumour developed from the kidney cells. Malignant kidney tumours account for 2-5% of malignant cancers in adults. Men are affected twice as often as women. The cause of kidney cancer is unknown, however, some genetic factors and damages of the kidney cell DNA caused by e.g. cigarette smoking, mutagens or environmental factors are taken into consideration. It is usually diagnosed in people over the age of 45, however, recently, the reduction of the age limit of people who are diagnosed with kidney cancer have been observed, which is affected by the growth of influence of the environmental carcinogenic factors, as well as the spread and constant improvement of diagnosing possibilities.

Cancers constitute 85% of kidney tumours. There are many types of kidney cancer. The most common type is a renal cell cancer. Kidney cancer is very dangerous mainly due to the fact that its symptoms occur in a late stage. It can cause the late detection of the tumour change - often in an advanced developing stage. Kidney cancer often develops in a tricky way without causing any disturbing symptoms.

Early detection and correct diagnosis of the ill person require performing some or all the types of examination mentioned below. Diagnostic tests which allow to make a diagnosis include: urine test, blood test (morphology, concentration of urea's creatinine), and imaging tests: ultrasound scan of the abdomen, computed tomography scan, alternatively urography (x-ray examination of the ureters after injecting intravenous dye), renal arteriography (the blood vessels examination using dye). Magnetic resonance imaging is sometimes used. A kidney biopsy, that is removing cells from the tumour and examining under a microscope whether the tumour contains the tumour cells is not usually performed. Currently, over 80% of kidney cancers are detected incidentally, usually due to an ultrasound scan performed as a standard procedure or due to other ailments. Therefore, advanced cancers of kidney parenchyma rarely occur (they constitute >15%).

Kidney cancer treatment

Surgery is a standard treatment for kidney cancer. It's aim is to surgically remove the tumour, usually along with the kidney and lymph nodes containing the tumour, and, if possible, surgically remove single metastases if they occur. A chance of cure (6-year survival rate without the presence of metastases is considered a recovery criterion) depends on the stage of the disease (the tumour's size, infiltration of the surrounding tissues, metastases to other organs), and accounts for up to 75%. However, in highly advanced stages, it is much lower. The presence of impossible to remove metastases worsens prognosis to a large extent. Used in the treatment of other cancers - chemotherapy and radiotherapy - are not very effective in treating kidney cancer. Better effects are achieved by using immuno or chemoimmunotherapy. However, they are effective only in some patients.

Chemoimmunotherapy consists in administering recombinant cytokine together with chemotherapeutic agent (so called the Hanover schedule). The attempts of using tumour infiltrating leukocytes or vaccines from the tumour cells are also made. The effectiveness of these methods in treating advanced forms of kidney cancer is estimated at dozen or so per cent, however, they are still under clinical research.

Side effects that can occur when using some of the chemoimmunotherapy trials.

The side effects mentioned below don't include all the possible complications. Chemoimmunotherapy should be performed in medical centres experienced in conducting such treatment.

Side effects list:

Capillary leak syndrom

Hypotony occuring due to the capillary leak syndrom and appearing within few hours after treatment's beginning can recede spontaneously. Some patients can require careful intravenous administration of fluids and albumins, and, in persistent cases, small doses of dopamine. When administering fluids intravenously, it is important to remember that the risk of lungs swelling is higher in patients with capillary leak syndrom when filling the vascular tissue. Before performing chemoimmunotherapy, all serum exudations should be cured (especially those concerning organs important to living, e.g. liquid in pericardium), because due to the capillary leak syndrome they can intensify when administering a drug.

Kidneys' functional activity

In all patients, it is important to monitor parameters of the ionic and acid-alkaline balance due to the possibility of occurring renal failure with oliguria.

Respiratory system

During treatment it is important to monitor the functional activity of the respiratory system, especially in patients who in physical examination are diagnosed with the increase in respiration frequency or auscultation changes over lung fields. In some patients, in case of respiratory failure, it can be necessary to use forced respiration for some time.

Central nervous system

Side effects from the central nervous system (anxiety, confusion, depression), though reversible, can remain for several days after discontinuing treatment. Chemoimmunotherapy can intensify the symptoms related to the undiagnosed focuses of metastases in the central nervous system. If drowsiness occurs, the treatment should be discontinued. Further drug administration can lead to coma.

Digestive system

In case of gastric-intenstine symptoms, antiemetic or antidiarrhoeal drugs are administered if necessary.


In patients who are diagnosed with skin carcinomas with pruritus, administering antihistamine drugs brings relief.

Autoimmunological diseases

It is common knowledge that some of the administered drugs can intensify the coexisting immunological disease and complications threatening life (in some patients with Crohn's disease treatment caused exacerbation of the disease requiring surgical intervention), however, not in all patients who suffered from such complications immunological disorders had previously been diagnosed. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly monitor treated patients, taking into consideration irregularities in the thyroid's function and other possible immunological disorders.

Infection risk

Using chemoimmunotherapy can cause higher susceptibility to bacterial infections. That is why, before administering drugs, all the infection focuses should be cured, and patients with catheters placed to the central veins should be prophylactically administered with antibiotics.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

It is recommended for chemoimmunotherapy not to be used in persons of reproductive age who do not use the approved contraceptive methods, in pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Driving and operating machines

Chemoimmunotherapy can cause side effects that reduce the ability to drive or operate mechanical devices. It is not recommended to drive during the treatment till the side effects of the drug completely recede.

You should inform your doctor about each case of occurring or suspecting the occurrence of the side effects.

The qualification of symptoms, assessment of the level of their intensification and method of proceeding depend on their decision.

Directly after the surgery, the patient receives intensive nursing and medical care.

The main problem is the possibility of extended effect of drugs taken under anaesthetic, and in consequences, of respiratory disorders, heart's and arterial pressure's functions. Therefore, in patients after surgeries these parameters are monitored. During the postoperative period, the body temperature and the amount of excreted urine are also measured.

Patients who were operated under general anaesthetic are usually administered with oxygen. Drips providing water and electrolytes are also administered, especially to the patients who cannot yet receive food and fluids orally. In the next days after the surgery, the patient can gradually pass on to oral feeding. The moment in which the patient can receive food and fluids must be consulted with a doctor.


Together with the patient's complete awakening after the general anaesthetic the patient starts feeling pain in the postoperative wound. The moment of the pain occurrence should be reported to a nurse. The first dose of the painkiller is administered after reporting the pain occurrence by the patient, the next doses - in precise intervals dependant on the used drug..

During the postoperative period, nausea and vomiting sometimes occur. The occurrence of nausea and vomiting depend on the type of surgery, type of anaesthetic, sex and patient's predispositions. The appearance of nausea and vomiting should be reported to the nurse. In some cases, the occurrence of vomiting can cause choking on the food, which is very dangerous.

During the convalescence after the surgery, the patient should sit and stand up as soon as possible. It is essential to avoid the potential complications caused by the respiratory system, as well as the risk of developing vein thromboses. If there are no surgical contraindications, the patient should sit on the second day after the surgery. In some patients, breathing exercises are additionally applied. In recumbent patients, there is a high risk of developing thromboses in veins. Especially in people with varicose veins. Such patients, before sitting or standing attempts, should move their legs in the recumbent position as much as they can in order to improve blood circulation.

After about 7 days from the surgery, the stitches are removed from the postoperative wound. The time of removing the stitches depends on the doctor's assessment of the wound healing process.

In some people after surgeries, so called keloids (i.e.lesions developing in the scar area) may be formed. After several weeks (5-9) from the surgery, when the skin is accurately healed, the ointment preventing the formation of unsightly changes may be used.

After discharging from the hospital, the patient should call for the histopathological examination results. Usually, such results are available after 2-4 weeks from discharging from the hospital.

All patients after surgeries receive scheduled dates of check-ups in hospital clinics.
Usually after removing the tumour with the kidney, the diet with smaller amount of protein (reducing meat, cured meat, and cheese consumption) and drinking higher amount of fluids are advised. The range of physical activity depends on the patient's efficiency.

Kidney cancer symptoms

The most important symptoms include:

- Blood in the urine

- Low back pain

- Perceptible lump in the abdomen

It's essential to pay attention to the following symptoms:

- Loss of appetite and weight loss

- Subfebrile temperature or persistent fever

- Spermatic cord varices in men

- Sudden drop of urine amount

- Frequent infections of the urethras

- Sudden appearance of arterial hypertension

Copyright 2006 Radoslaw Pilarski

Radoslaw Pilarski is a PhD candidate working on anticancer properties of Uncaria tomentosa - http://www.uncariatomentosa.com - at PAS, Poland. mLingua Worldwide Translations, Ltd. - http://mlingua.pl - provides professional language translations.

Kidney Cancer
By Radoslaw Pilarski

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer affects men about twice as often as women. Most people who contract this disease are over the age of 50.


The exact causes of kidney cancer are not well understood. kidney cancer is not contagious; no one can "catch" any type of cancer from another person.
Scientists have learned that smoking is a major risk factor for kidney cancer. Smokers are twice as likely to get this disease as nonsmokers. Several studies also suggest that the risk of developing kidney cancer may be higher than average among people with certain jobs. Groups with increased risk include coke oven workers and those who work with asbestos. Research also shows that being overweight can increase the chance of getting some types of cancer. kidney cancer may be one of them.


The most common symptom of kidney cancer is blood in the urine. In some cases, a person can actually see the blood. It may be present one day and not the next. Another symptom of kidney cancer is a lump or mass that can be felt in the kidney area. The tumor may cause a dull ache or pain in the back or side.


To diagnose kidney cancer, the patient's personal and family medical history is taken and a thorough physical examination is conducted. In addition to checking temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and other general signs of health, the doctor usually orders blood and urine tests and one or more of the below mentioned exams :


If these tests suggest that a tumor is present, it is important to know the extent, or stage, of the disease. Because kidney cancer can spread to the bones, lungs, liver, or brain, staging procedures may include special x-rays and tests to check these organs.
Treatment for kidney cancer depends on the location and size of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread to other organs. kidney cancer is treated with surgery, embolization, or hormone therapy, biological therapy, or chemotherapy, which are forms of systemic therapy and rarely Radiation therapy.


Most kidney cancer patients have surgery, an operation called Radical nephrectomy. In some cases, the surgeon removes the whole kidney or just the part of the kidney that contains the tumor. More often, the surgeon removes the whole kidney along with the adrenal gland and the fat around the kidney. Also, nearby lymph nodes may be removed because they are one of the first places where kidney cancer spreads. Finding cancer cells in the lymph nodes means there may be cancer elsewhere in the body.

Radical Nephrectomy is major surgery. For a few days after the operation, most patients need medicine to relieve pain. Discomfort may make it difficult to breathe deeply, and patients have to do special coughing and breathing exercises to keep their lungs clear. Patients may need IV (intravenous) feedings and fluids for several days before and after the operation. Nurses will keep track of the amount of fluid the patient takes in and the amount of urine produced. The remaining kidney takes over the work of the one that was removed.


In embolization, a substance is injected to clog the renal blood vessels. The tumor shrinks because it does not get the blood supply it needs to grow. In some cases, embolization makes surgery easier. When surgery is not possible, this treatment may help reduce pain and bleeding.

Embolization can cause pain, fever, nausea, or vomiting. These problems are treated with medicine. Often, patients also require intravenous fluids.

Kidney Cancer
Urology Centre of Dr.Dilipraja's offers comprehensive urological services to diagnose and treat kidney stone diseases, impotence, and other difficulties.

Kidney Cancer
Urology Centre of Dr.Dilipraja's offers comprehensive urological services to diagnose and treat kidney stone diseases, impotence, and other difficulties.

Kidney Cancer
By Khan Mehboob

kidney cancer

Renal Cell Carcinoma which is also called as gurnistical tumor is the very generic form of kidney cancer bobbing up from the Renal Tubule. It is the plebeian type of Kidney cancer caused in adults. The preliminary medication for this Kidney Cancer is surgery. Kidney cancer gives its start up from the two large bean shaped organ called kidney. One kidney is placed in the left and the other is placed in the right side of the backbone. The lower scummier rib cage defends both the kidneys. Renal Cell Carcinoma occurs in nine people out of ten.

Like the other cancer types, kidney cancer grows minor and then it grows bigger and heavier. It normally grows as a solitary mass inside the kidney. A kidney can have any number of tumors. Kidney cancers can be found in both the kidneys. At times, it is difficult to find out cancer as the symptoms will be debunked. Sometimes the cancer might be spread to various organs through the flow of blood stream. There are different types of renal cell cancer and they can be described by looking them under the cancer cell microscope. They are as follows.

• Chromophobe

• Clear Cell

• Papillary

• Collecting Duct

• Oncocytic

The most important lineament of kidney cancer is the grade of the caner. Grade is nothing just the citation. Grade specifies the status of the cancer cells look like the normal cells. Normally kidney cancer is graded on a measurement of 1 to 4. When the number lowers the cancer cells look more like normal cells and gives the ameliorate prospect for the patient. Surgery is the normal treatment for comprised kidney cancer. Quite a different type of Surgery’s are carried out. Radiation and Chemotherapy does not play a major role in the treatment of kidney cancer. Instead of these Biologic therapies are mostly practiced.

Kidney cancer can be identified with some signs and symptoms and they are described here for your identification.

• Severe weight loss and undernourished outlook.

• Atypical passage of urine color owed to blood in the urine

• Enlargement of one testicle

• Lack of vision

• Plethora or Pallor

• Stultification and Irregularity

• High Blood Pressure

• Hypercalciemia

• Redundant hair growth for distaff

There is another type of kidney cancer which feigns children’s and it is called as Wilms Tumour. This type of kidney cancer is quite different from the cancer in adults. Quite a few types of kidney tumors do not regularly swell to other parts of the body. Even though they don’t, spread on the other parts they grow severe and cause dangerous problems. These include renal cell adenomas, angiomyolipomas and renal oncocytomas.

Renal adenoma: This type of tumor is pretty smaller and they grow slow, and they can be identified under a microscope and they appear like low-grade renal cell carcinomas. In certain cases tumors are initially considered to be as renal adenomas and it might then turn out to be small renal cell carcinomas.

Angiomyolipoma: Angiomyolipomas is the other type of kidney tumor. This type of cancer is habitually developed in inhabitants with tuberous sclerosis.

Oncocytoma: Oncocytomas is another form of benign kidney tumor which may develop larger at times. Oncocytomas do not usually spread to other organs. This type will be cured if the kindly is removed.

Kidney Cancer
By Nila Priya

Who Is At Risk Of Uterine Cancer?

All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life. Tumors can be benign or malignant: Benign tumors are not cancer.

Cancer that starts in the muscle layers of the womb is called uterine sarcoma. This type of cancer is most common in women between the ages of 50 and 70. Cancer of the uterus can also be called uterine cancer. Cancers that start in the muscle of the womb (sarcomas) are even less common. Cancer of the uterus usually occurs after menopause.

The spread of cancer means metastasis. When uterine cancer spreads outside the uterus, cancer cells are often found in nearby lymph nodes, nerves, or blood vessels. If the cancer reached the lymph nodes, cancer cells may have spread to other lymph nodes and other organs, such as the liver, lungs and bones.

When cancer spreads from its original place to another part of the body, the new tumor has the same kind of abnormal cells and the same name as the primary tumor.

For example, if cancer of the uterus spreads to the lungs, the cancer cells in the lungs are actually uterine cancer cells. The disease is metastatic uterine cancer and not lung cancer.

As with any cancer, the exact reason why one woman gets uterine and another does not is unknown. These have much in common with breast cancer risks, since both cells in the uterus and breast respond to hormone stimulation.

Symptoms of Uterine Cancer

Vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of uterine cancer, and is very suspicious for cancer in a woman after her menopause. Of woman with new onset vaginal bleeding after menopause, 30% will have cancer, with the chance of it being uterine or cervical about equal. Infection may be the first indication of a cancer problem. If you find out that these symptoms are present, it is best to seek medical attention to avoid more complications that may mean more serious condition leading to uterine cancer.

Who Is At Risk Of Uterine Cancer?
By Jack Stowe

Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer

Often dubbed as a silent killer it claims several lives per year is prevalent amongst women of all ages. Women who have had ancestors suffer from this very disease have a magnified risk of developing it. Being knowledgeable about the intensity of its various degrees is significant for the determination of the treatment options.

Visibility of its symptoms is often misunderstood as the symptoms for some other less fatal diseases. Still some of the common symptoms that become visible at the initial stage include abdominal uneasiness that is supervened by bloating. Both these feelings intensify with the passage of time. Further an irregular urinary pattern despite the absence of an infection is one of the prime causes. Nausea and digestion problems also encompass along with inexplicable pain and inflation in the pelvic area.

Regarded as a top method for its detection and determination, screening is carried out. It involves a pelvic exam which includes the check up of the vagina and the uterus which is executed by a trained doctor or a medical expert. This analysis should be scheduled annually for the detection of the earliest signs of some abnormality. The latest progress in the respective field involves the conduction of an annual blood test. Despite the infrequent discovery in the inceptive stages, early diagnosis increases the success ratio of the complete termination this cancer.

After the certification of the category cancer and its dispersion throughout the body, the patient is either treated via surgery to remove the malicious tissue. Depending upon its grade, the complete removal of the ovaries and the uterus is unavoidable. Post surgery the employment of the radiotherapy comes into effect owing to its ability of the destruction of the lingering cancer cells. Chemotherapy is yet another option. Administration of medicines in specific cases has also been observed
Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer
By Sarfaraz Ali

Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer Treatment - Why Visit India In Low Cost Uterine In World Class Hospital

Why visit India for low cost Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer treatment in world class hospitals?
Uterine (Endometrial) cancer is the most common gynecological cancer (i.e., cancer that originates in female reproductive system). It develops in the body of the uterus, or womb, Endometrial cancer (Uterine Cancer) is most common after the reproductive years, between the ages of 60 and 70. Endometrial cancer is sometimes called uterine cancer, but there are other cells in the uterus that can become cancerous - such as muscle or myometrial cells.

Surgical Treatment of Endometrial Cancer (Uterine Cancer)

Surgery is the best option when Endometrial Cancer (Uterine Cancer) is diagnosed in its very early stages. At this time, the location and the stage of cancer make removal easy. Sometimes patients are treated with a combination of surgery and radiation therapy.


Almost all women with Endometrial cancer (except those with advanced or stage IV) are treated with a hysterectomy. They may also receive additional treatment. A simple hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus, making the woman unable to have children. In a procedure known as bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, both ovaries, the fallopian tubes and the uterus are removed. This may be necessary because Endometrial cancer often spreads to the ovaries first.

Radiation therapy can be used. Sometimes radioactive pellets are placed inside the body near the tumor. This is called brachytherapy or internal radiation therapy. Fatigue, upset stomach, diarrhea and nausea are also common complaints of women having radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy uses anticancer drugs to kill the cancer cells. The drugs are given orally or intravenously. They enter the bloodstream and can travel to all parts of the body to kill cancer cells. Generally, a combination of drugs is given since it is more effective than a single drug in treating cancer. Side effects of this treatment include stomach upset, vomiting, appetite loss, hair loss, mouth or vaginal sores, fatigue, menstrual cycle changes and premature menopause.

Hormonal therapy uses drugs like progesterone that will slow the growth of Endometrial cells. These drugs are usually available as pills. This therapy is usually reserved for women with advanced or recurrent disease.

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Uterine (Endometrial) Cancer Treatment - Why Visit India In Low Cost Uterine In World Class Hospital
By Pankaj S Nagpal

uterine cancer

Women Over 50 More Likely to Develop Uterine Cancer

It is not known why some women develop uterine cancer, but scientific studies on what causes one woman to develop uterine cancer and another to not develop it are constantly ongoing. However, there are certain risk factors that are known put some women at a higher risk for developing uterine cancer. For those who develop uterine cancer, there are different treatment options, but most involve a hysterectomy. Unfortunately, despite the fact that it may cure (or at least help) a person’s uterine cancer, a hysterectomy can affect a woman in both a physical and emotional way.

Risk Factors for Developing Uterine Cancer

There are about five factors that put you at a greater risk for developing uterine cancer. If you are a woman, and you’re over the age of fifty, you are automatically at a higher risk of developing uterine cancer. Other factors include, undergoing hormone replacement therapy, being overweight, suffering from diabetes or high blood pressure, having a history of other types of cancer, of if you are Caucasian. Interestingly, if you are a woman who has never been pregnant or have never had a child, you are also at a higher risk of developing uterine cancer.

How is Uterine Cancer Treated?

Depending on the size of the cancerous tumor and the stage of the uterine cancer, different uterine cancer treatments are available. Your doctor will discuss all treatment options with you and will go over the possible side effects of each. In most cases, treatment for uterine cancer begins with surgery or a complete hysterectomy, which is a complete removal of the uterus. After surgery, it is possible that you may have to undergo additional treatments including, radiation, chemotherapy, and/or hormone therapy.

Hysterectomies are More than the Removal of the Uterus

When you undergo a hysterectomy, as a result of her having uterine cancer or for any other problem or disease related to the uterus, you must deal with both a physical recovery and an emotional recovery. The physical part of the recovery is a result of the pain that comes from having gone through surgery (although some hysterectomies do not require an incision). The emotional part of the recovery is usually due to you feeling depressed after the uterus is removed. Once it is removed, there is obviously no chance that you will ever be able to have another baby. This may not be a major factor to women who are at the greatest risk of developing uterine cancer because they are typically over the age of fifty. Nonetheless, it is always an emotional experience when a part of the body is removed due to cancer.

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their Uterine Cancer blog for more information.

Uterine Cancer
By Karen Lavender and Warren Lavender

Chemotherapy Effective Treatment For Stomach Cancer

A new study suggests that stomach cancer patients will live longer if they get chemotherapy before and after surgery.

British researchers found that chemo cut the risk of death by 25 percent compared to just surgery alone

It also improved the rate of survival and cut the risk of the cancer returning.

Currently the standard treatment for stomach cancer is surgery, were all or part of the stomach is removed. If caught early, chance of survival increases significantly.

Chemo cut the risk of death by a quarter compared to surgery alone, according to the study published in Thursday‘s New England Journal of Medicine. It also shrank tumors and improved survival without a return of cancer.

Lead by Dr. David Cuningham of Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton and London, researchers examined 503 patients. Doctors gave the patients with operable stomach cancer chemotherapy both before and after surgery.

'Clinicians can have confidence in the solid evidence that peri-operative therapy improves the outcome for patients with respectable gastric cancer,' Cuningham told United Press International. He also said the trial was well-designed and well-executed and had enough patients to show that the results did not appear to occur by chance.

The findings appear in the July Issue of New England Journal of Medicine

Chemotherapy Effective Treatment For Stomach Cancer
By Ty Magnum

Stomach Cancer: Causes and Diagnosis

There are several causes of stomach cancer. To name a few are previous exposure to radiation, bacterial infection caused by Helicobacter pylori, pernicious anemia, stomach surgery, as well as genetic factors that cause predisposition to the disease. Helicobacter pylori infections now thought to be responsible for most cases of stomach cancer involving the bottom half of the stomach. Stomach cancer near the junction between the esophagus and the stomach is not usually related to Helicobacter pylori infection.
Stomach cancer is a very serious condition. Symptoms usually arise later due to the large capacity of the stomach and often the tumor is not curable at the time of diagnosis. It is for this reason that the mortality rate for patients diagnosed with stomach cancer is exceedingly high. In the Far East, the incidence of stomach cancer remains high, probably due to the high rate of Helicobacter pylori infection, as well as certain dietary factors. Nobody knows for sure why the incidence of stomach cancer is decreasing in the United States. Lowe infection rates with Helicobacter pylori, known carcinogen and cause of stomach cancer, may be a partial explanation. However, other factors are probably also important.

Because the incidence of stomach cancer is relatively low in the United States, the American Cancer Society does not recommend routine endoscopic screening for the tumor as they do for colon cancer. Early diagnosis can occasionally be achieved if warning signals such as intestinal bleeding are immediately investigated. Many people over the age of 50 are having their stool checked for blood on an annual basis. If blood is found, it is generally recommended that the patient have a colonoscopy. If the examination would show up negative, however, an upper endoscopy examining the esophagus, stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) may clinch the diagnosis. While most of the patients will have esophagitis, gastritis, or peptic ulcer disease, an unsuspected stomach cancer may be found. Not infrequently, precancerous changes in the stomach lining are found at the time of endoscopy.

Chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori in some susceptible individuals causes a change in the lining of the stomach to resemble the small intestines (intestinal metaplasia). The risk of stomach cancer after acquiring intestinal metaplasia in the stomach is not nearly as great as that seen with Barrett's esophagus (a precancerous condition of the esophagus). Therefore, it is currently not recommended that patients with this precancerous change in the stomach be endoscoped on a regular basis. Nevertheless, it is recommended that patients have an endoscopy every five to ten years after discovering intestinal metaplasia.

Anyone experiencing satiety should have an upper gastrointestinal series or endoscopy to rule out stomach cancer, especially if they are over the age of 45. Anyone who has multiple family members with stomach cancer should be checked for Helicobacter pylori infection and some gastroenterologists recommend a screening endoscopy in this situation. Stomach cancer may run in families, either because the members of the family are genetically susceptible to the disease or because the members of the family have infected each other with Helicobacter pylori.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Stomach Cancer

Stomach Cancer: Causes and Diagnosis
By Michael Russell

Detection Of Stomach Cancer

At one time, stomach cancer was the most common type of cancer known in the United States. As the years progressed, the disease became less common among patients. While there are no definitive answers as to why, it’s thought to be related to the decline in salted or smoked food intake. Even with the decline in cases, this disease still presents a serious problem throughout the nation and the rest of the world.

While studies are unclear, some experts recommend a balanced diet to fighting against cancer development. In addition, researchers believe that damaged DNA in the stomach cells may lead to cancer. A large majority of individuals are infected by a bacteria known as H. pylori, which resides in the stomach. It is unknown how this bacteria is transmitted, but it is believed to be spread from individuals or through drinking water. H. pylori causes ulcers and may also be a leading cause of stomach cancer.

Foods, which include nitrates, are also of concern among cancer researchers. Foods such as hot dogs, certain deli meats, bacon and ham contain substances known to cause stomach cancer, as does red meat, and smoked or salted foods. Certain foods are believed to protect against stomach cancer, including fruits or vegetables. Items such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes and carrots are especially helpful in the prevention of this disease.

Perhaps one of the most troubling facts about the disease is that stomach cancer is difficult to diagnose. A cancerous tumor may be quite large by the time that it is diagnosed due to the lack of symptoms associated with stomach cancer. When present, the most common signs include upper abdominal pain, especially after eating. Other symptoms include bleeding, weight loss and general weakness. Patients who experience early fullness when eating should also be on alert as this may be a symptom of the stomach’s inability to expand due to the presence of a tumor. If left untreated, the cancer cells can spread quickly to other parts of the body and cause even further damage. Part of the problem is that, like many other illnesses, the symptoms sound very similar to those of other ailments. The presence of one or more of these does not necessarily confirm the presence of cancer, but it should cause the individual to be alert to the possibility.

Studies show that men are twice as likely to develop stomach cancer and is most common in individuals from age 40 to 80. This disease is rarely present in individuals 40 years of ago or younger. In addition, the use of tobacco and alcohol are perhaps the most obvious cancer causing agents. Studies have shown that both men and woman are more likely to develop stomach cancer if they smoke. Other factors, including family history and obesity, can encourage the development of stomach cancer.

This article should not be construed as professional medical advice. If you, or someone that you know, is concerned about the possibility of cancer, you should seek medical attention immediately. A medical doctor can discuss various options, prevention and treatment possibilities should the presence of cancer be detected. A series of tests may be conducted in order to confirm, or rule out, any such diagnosis and can only be done by a medical doctor.

About The Author
Dr. Logan Pallas is a cancer researcher and natural health writer. For more information visit his stomach cancer directory at http://www.stomach-cancer.info Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Prevention & Early Detection Of Stomach Cancer
By Logan Pallas

Green Tea as a Preventer of Stomach Cancer

By now most of us have heard that green tea has been shown to be an effective cancer preventer. There are numerous studies that have shown green tea’s anti-oxidants to have significant power in protecting our health and preventing disease.

Much of the research on green tea has been performed on laboratory mice, mostly because human trials take years to perform, and because human trials are rife with variables that can make conclusions difficult to determine.

However, one study performed in China on stomach cancer, did look at humans and attempted to ascertain whether or not green tea could mitigate their cancer risk, particularly in those who had a higher than average risk of stomach cancer, due to family history.

This study examined 206 people who had recently been diagnosed with stomach cancer, and 415 healthy participants. The subjects were thoroughly interviewed regarding their dietary habits. The participants were also screened for their relative susceptibility to stomach cancer, based on family history and other factors that raise the risk of developing stomach cancer.

This study showed a significant reduced risk of stomach cancer in those who were regular green tea drinkers. The reduced risk was even significant in those participants who would normally have had a higher than average risk of developing the disease.

Therefore, the study concluded that green tea may have the ability to mitigate other cancer risk factors. In particular, green tea was shown to significantly mitigate the risk for heavy alcohol drinkers.

Stomach cancer is a significant risk in the US. Each year, over 22,000 people are diagnosed with the disease, and over 11,000 will die from it. Two thirds of those who get stomach cancer each year are over the age of 65.

Today, stomach cancer is far less common in the US than it once was. Doctors believe this reduction is caused primarily by two things. The first is the more regular use of anti-biotics to treat infections in children. One particular bacteria, known as H pylori, is a significant contributor to stomach cancer, and anti-biotics can often kill this bacteria in our bodies while we’re still children, before it can cause problems later on.

The second reason doctors believe we’ve seen a decrease in stomach cancer is refrigeration. In years past, the only way to keep meat safe for long periods of time was through salt curing or smoking. It’s believed that the nitrates in meats preserved in this manner contribute to the development of stomach cancer. Therefore, the reduction in the amount of salt cured and smoked meats in our diet may reduce our risk of stomach cancer.

What are the risk factors for stomach cancer?

So, just what does make us have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer? There are several risk factors, and many of them can be controlled. The leading risk factors include:

• Smoking

• Obesity

• Poor Diet – As mentioned earlier, high levels of salted and smoked meat can contribute to stomach cancer. Conversely, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to lower your risk of stomach cancer.

• Previous stomach surgery - those who have had surgery for ulcers and other stomach problems are at a higher risk of stomach cancer.

• Pernicious anemia sufferers

• Menetrier Disease sufferers

• Those with Type A blood

• Stomach polyps

• Family History

• Epstein-Barr Virus

• Bacterial infections

Mitigating Your Risk

We can’t control our family history or our blood type, but many of the risk factors for stomach cancer are things that we have some control over. As an overall way to help prevent cancer, it’s important to eat a healthy diet. Lots of fruits and vegetables are critical in this part of your cancer prevention regime, because in addition to their other healthy qualities, they are loaded with anti-oxidants, just like green tea.

Anti-oxidants are known cancer preventers because they fight the free radicals created in our bodies as we convert food to energy. These free radicals damage cells and DNA, leading to disease. But, a diet rich in anti-oxidants can neutralize these free radicals, preventing their damage.

So, including fruits and vegetables in your diet can help you in several ways. First of all, you’ll be getting lots of vitamins and your daily dose of anti-oxidants. However, fruits and vegetables can also help you keep your weight in check, which is also a cancer preventer. Obesity is a risk factor for stomach, and many other forms of cancer.

You can also mitigate your stomach cancer risk by not smoking. Most people know that smoking causes lung cancer, but many people don’t realize that smoking contributes to the development of many forms of cancer, including stomach cancer. It’s also a wise idea to limit your alcohol intake. Some studies have shown an increased risk of stomach cancer among those who drank alcohol in large quantities over a period of years.

Finally, it’s important to keep close tabs on your health in general. Visit your doctor regularly for checkups and have routine tests done when recommended.

And, don’t forget to drink some green tea each and every day to give yourself and extra boost of cancer prevention!

Jon M. Stout is the Chairman of the Golden Moon Tea Company. Golden Moon Tea carefully selects the finest rare and orthodox teas, which are processed slowly and handcrafted with extreme care. At their website, you can learn more about their current tea offerings, including their exceptional green tea, white tea, black tea, oolong tea (also known as wu-long and wu long tea) and chai. Visit goldenmoontea.com for all details concerning the Golden Moon Tea Company's fine line of teas.

Green Tea as a Preventer of Stomach Cancer
By Jon Stout

Stomach Cancer - The Basics

Stomach cancer is a disease in which tumors are found in the stomach. If it is not diagnosed quickly, it may spread to other parts of your stomach as well as to other organs. Research indicates that more than 25,000 Americans are diagnosed with stomach cancer every year. Also, more than 13,000 Americans die from this disease annually. There are twice as many males with this disease than females. The majority of people with stomach cancer are between fifty and seventy years old. It is more prevalent in Japan, Korea, Great Britain, South America and Iceland than in the United States.

There are ten times as many cases in Japan than in the United States. Contrary to these other countries, the number of cases in the United States has decreased over time. The precise cause of stomach cancer has so far eluded researchers. But risk factors have been identified that will increase your chances of developing this disease. Research has shown that diets high in salt and nitrites can increase your chances of developing stomach cancer. There are a smaller number of cases among native Japanese people who moved to the United States and adopted the diets of Americans in comparison to those who stayed in Japan and continued with the Japanese diet. There are a high number of cases among people who work as coal miners or who work processing timber, nickel and rubber. People who are exposed to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori have developed lymphomas in the stomach.

Polyps (benign growths) that develop in your stomach have the potential to become cancerous. Other risk factors include a family history of the disease, stomach surgery for ulcers and pernicious anemia. If you want to lower your chances of developing this disease, you can try avoiding some of these risk factors. You can also try adding fruits and vegetables to your diet. The American Cancer Society recommends that you eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

During the early stages of stomach cancer, you should expect to see either no symptoms at all or very nonspecific symptoms. Some of these symptoms include indigestion, heartburn, mild discomfort and mild nausea. In the early stages, the tumor is small and has not spread (metastasized). In the late stages, the symptoms are more distinct and include abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and blood in the stool. By the time these distinct symptoms occur, the cancer can metastasize to other organs in the body, such as the esophagus, lungs, lymph nodes, liver, small intestine or colon. Unfortunately, this occurs to eight to ninety percent of stomach cancer patients.

This is one of the reasons for its poor prognosis. Patients who are diagnosed in the early stages have a seventy five percent chance of surviving for at least five years and those who are diagnosed in the late stages have a less than thirty percent chance. A stomach virus or ulcer can also cause some of these symptoms. If you think that you have might have some of these symptoms, you should see a gastroenterologist or an oncologist immediately to get the correct diagnosis.

Michael Russell
Your Independent guide to Stomach Cancer
Stomach Cancer - The Basics
By Michael Russell

stomach cancer

Stomach is a body organ that is responsible for breaking down the food into semi-solid state. The glands within the stomach produce several chemicals/enzymes that help in the digestion of the food. Formation of cancerous tissue within the stomach is known as stomach cancer.
Types of stomach cancer

There are a few different types of stomach cancers. However, the most well known stomach cancer is the one that occurs in the glandular cells of the stomach. This type of stomach cancer is also known as adenocarcinomas. Then there are other types of stomach cancer (based on the cells that are affected by cancer).

Causes of stomach cancer

There is a lot of research going on for ascertaining the exact causes of the stomach cancer. As of now, stomach cancer is known to happen more in older people i.e. people above 60 years of age. Some theories also suggest that certain conditions of stomach (including some types of stomach infections) could also increase the risk of stomach cancer. There are also suggestions of stomach cancer being linked to genes.

Symptoms of stomach cancer

The currently known symptoms of stomach cancer cannot really point to stomach cancer. As you would have imagined, the stomach cancer symptoms include things like indigestion, nausea, pain, tiredness etc. In case you feel that you are displaying some or all symptoms, you should consult a qualified doctor and get a check-up done. This can help in not only allaying your fears of stomach cancer but also help in early detection of stomach cancer (and thus facilitate treatment of stomach cancer).

Diagnosis of stomach cancer

You should make a note of and narrate the symptoms to the doctor as best as you can. This can really be helpful to the doctor doing the diagnosis. The diagnosis of stomach cancer will generally start with blood test and stool test. Endoscopy could be the next test in line for stomach cancer. In fact, endoscopy is quite effective in detecting stomach cancer. The cells collected from stomach are taken up for biopsy for further ascertaining the presence of stomach cancer. Couples of other stomach cancer detection techniques are used too but endoscopy seems to be the most common one.

Treatment of stomach cancer

Like most other cancer types, stomach cancer treatment is also carried out mostly through surgery. However, chemotherapy could also form part of your treatment. Depending on the need, the doctor might also advise radiotherapy for treatment of stomach cancer.

Warren and Karen have been involved in the internet for a number of years and run several websites. They are most interested in providing opportunities for people to connect with information relating to business, health and creativity. Check out their Stomach Cancer blog for more information.

Stomach Cancer
By Karen Lavender and Warren

All You Need To Know About Mouth Cancer

If you're looking to answer the question, "HOW DOES A DENTIST FIND MOUTH CANCER?" - you might currently be worried about unfamiliar pimples, canker-like sores, lesions, swelling or other disturbing signs that you may have something developing in your mouth. First of all, if you don't smoke, you can pretty much relax. Often, mouth sores and swellings may be caused by cuts from heavy flossing or sharp candies, food allergies, abrasions from brushing your teeth, viral infections, tooth abscesses or other dental problems.

Generally speaking, oral cancer is caused by tobacco. This can develop in any part of the mouth including your lips, tongue, cheeks and even your throat. This includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes or other inhaled products, which put you at an increased risk. Even smokeless products like snuff, are harmful for your mouth. Those who use a bit between the cheek and gum are asking for problems.

So how does a dentist find mouth cancer?

Here are some of the signs that may be an indication:

• If a sore or ulceration in your mouth doesn't heal within 3 weeks.

• Any new lump or growth of tissue.

• A white or a red patch either on the gums, tongue or the lining of your mouth

• Having a difficult time in swallowing

• When chewing, there is difficulty in moving the jaw or tongue

• Any numbness of the tongue or elsewhere in the mouth

• Having a feeling that you have something caught in the throat

• Having a chronic sore throat or hoarseness for more than 6 weeks, particularly if you are a smoker over 50 and if you are a heavy drinker

• If your jaw swells enough that it causes dentures to fit badly or uncomfortably

• Neck swelling that lasts more than 3 weeks

• Any tooth mobility (looseness) that lasts for more than three weeks - see a dentist urgently

• Any nasal mass, ulceration or obstruction, accompanied by purulent or bloody discharge

Mouth cancer can affect anyone young or old but mostly it is the smoker and drinker who falls victim to this disease. It is thought that these people are at risk by up to 30 times more than those who do not smoke or drink alcohol.

Often, it is the dentist who discovers this during routine dental checkups. All the more reason to plan regular checkups, since mouth cancer, when diagnosed early, can be treated successfully. If detected early, the survival rate can be 80% or higher. Remember that the way to greatly diminish your risk of being affected by mouth cancer is to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up smoking, cut down on alcohol and eat a healthy diet.

Doing some regular self-examination is also very important, too. Recognizing the signs in good time, can make the difference in whether mouth cancer can be overcome or not. However, that being said, there is nothing that can replace a visit to your doctor or dentist for a dependable diagnosis.

Noah Salzman is a researcher and writer offering information in the field of medicine and dentistry. For more information, please visit HOW DOES A DENTIST FIND MOUTH CANCER

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Noah_Salzman

How Does A Dentist Find Mouth Cancer?

If you're looking to answer the question, "HOW DOES A DENTIST FIND MOUTH CANCER?" - you might currently be worried about unfamiliar pimples, canker-like sores, lesions, swelling or other disturbing signs that you may have something developing in your mouth. First of all, if you don't smoke, you can pretty much relax. Often, mouth sores and swellings may be caused by cuts from heavy flossing or sharp candies, food allergies, abrasions from brushing your teeth, viral infections, tooth abscesses or other dental problems.

Generally speaking, oral cancer is caused by tobacco. This can develop in any part of the mouth including your lips, tongue, cheeks and even your throat. This includes cigarettes, cigars, pipes or other inhaled products, which put you at an increased risk. Even smokeless products like snuff, are harmful for your mouth. Those who use a bit between the cheek and gum are asking for problems.

So how does a dentist find mouth cancer?

Here are some of the signs that may be an indication:

• If a sore or ulceration in your mouth doesn't heal within 3 weeks.

• Any new lump or growth of tissue.

• A white or a red patch either on the gums, tongue or the lining of your mouth

• Having a difficult time in swallowing

• When chewing, there is difficulty in moving the jaw or tongue

• Any numbness of the tongue or elsewhere in the mouth

• Having a feeling that you have something caught in the throat

• Having a chronic sore throat or hoarseness for more than 6 weeks, particularly if you are a smoker over 50 and if you are a heavy drinker

• If your jaw swells enough that it causes dentures to fit badly or uncomfortably

• Neck swelling that lasts more than 3 weeks

• Any tooth mobility (looseness) that lasts for more than three weeks - see a dentist urgently

• Any nasal mass, ulceration or obstruction, accompanied by purulent or bloody discharge

Mouth cancer can affect anyone young or old but mostly it is the smoker and drinker who falls victim to this disease. It is thought that these people are at risk by up to 30 times more than those who do not smoke or drink alcohol.

Often, it is the dentist who discovers this during routine dental checkups. All the more reason to plan regular checkups, since mouth cancer, when diagnosed early, can be treated successfully. If detected early, the survival rate can be 80% or higher. Remember that the way to greatly diminish your risk of being affected by mouth cancer is to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up smoking, cut down on alcohol and eat a healthy diet.

Doing some regular self-examination is also very important, too. Recognizing the signs in good time, can make the difference in whether mouth cancer can be overcome or not. However, that being said, there is nothing that can replace a visit to your doctor or dentist for a dependable diagnosis.

Noah Salzman is a researcher and writer offering information in the field of medicine and dentistry. For more information, please visit HOW DOES A DENTIST FIND MOUTH CANCER

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Noah_Salzman

Smoking Causes Mouth Cancer - 8 Smoke Signals

Quit Smoking Warnings

To deter people from smoking, cigarette packs carry a warning that smoking is hazardous to health. Obviously that has not achieved the objective as the number of smokers keeps on increasing. There is now a suggestion, surprisingly from smokers, that the warning be also printed on each cigarette. Perhaps, it is now time to consider printing actual pictures of victims of lung, heart and other diseases linked directly to or associated with smoking. The faces of the victims can be blanked out to protect privacy. Another option would be to print pictures of diseased organs due to smoking. Grotesque? Yes, but the message may be conveyed more effectively.

Signs Of Mouth Cancer

It is well known that smoking causes lung cancer. Now there is growing evidence that it also causes mouth or oral cancer. In the United States alone, 30,000 new cases of mouth cancer are reported each year. Many, unfortunately, will die from it. Mouth cancer includes cancer of the lips, mouth, tongue, gums and salivary glands. Though it is easy to detect as it can be seen and felt, it is usually passed off as some other less harmful condition. It is easy to understand why as we look at some of the signs of mouth cancer:

A persistent sore throat and stubborn lumps in the mouth.
Dark, white or red patches that are out of the ordinary.
Constant pain, bleeding and numbness in the mouth.
Swelling or thickening of the cheeks due to tissue growth.
Difficulty in swallowing, chewing or moving the tongue.
Problems with jaw movement due swelling and pain.
Pain in and around the teeth and loosening of teeth.
A lump in the neck and bad breath.

Have It Checked

If you are a smoker, it is particularly critical that you seek further medical evaluation of some of the signs listed above. For non-smokers, be aware that these signs could be serious especially when they are persistent and do not go away easily. Follow-up with a visit to your doctor. Even with or without these signs, smokers must be persuaded to quit smoking as they are putting their lives at greater and fatal health risks. Many have quit smoking by putting themselves on a currently popular stop smoking pill that has little or nil side effects. Are you wise enough to try it and get a new breath of life? It is easy to reach out and light-up another cigarette. However, only people who appreciate life and have something or someone worth living for would want to stop doing so. Is your life worth the effort? Are you strong enough to want to quit smoking?

Do you want to quit smoking? Do you want to save yourself from further devastating damage to your health? Do you want to do it for the sake of your loved ones? You can do it without the usual adverse side effects and severe withdrawal or "cold turkey" symptoms. Choose to live life healthy - Quit Smoking.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Azhar_Victor

The Story of Thyroid Cancer - Alternate Perspective

I was about 18 years old when I first felt the nodule on my throat and didn't think much about it and didn't make mention to anyone about it. It was about the size of a pea then and when it was removed, when I was 29, it was a little smaller than a ping pong ball. It was thyroid cancer. My thyroid was removed, started the synthroid, had a little radioactive iodine, etc, etc, etc. If you have experienced thyroid cancer, you know the drill. And that is what it was for me; a drill, a procedure, a way to "get better", but I knew, I knew the reason why it came into my experience. I created it. I created the cancer in my body, simply by my thought and belief that I could not express myself.

For those of you who have experienced thyroid cancer, know exactly what I am talking about. When I was a kids growing up, I had no idea how to express myself. I always silenced my thoughts and feelings from the outside world. I would just blatantly lie to someone and tell them something I thought they wanted to hear when they would ask, How are you?, What are you up to?, questions about ME. My brain would say, "No way I am not letting you in..."

Well, I am here to tell you that the cause of my cancer was directly related to my lack of self expression. I would allow myself to build up all this emotion, energy, fear, rage, anger, resentment and I would put it into a big pot that I would close and lock up. Over time, I would put this closed pot over heat and allow it to simmer, until one day, and many times over the course of a year, the pot just exploded.

My family, my friends, my colleagues, my ex-wife, my daughter all knew what that looked like and each time it would happen I would make myself wrong for it which would intern perpetuate the cycle of lack of self expression.

I knew it was time for me to start becoming self expressed in who I am. This is part of the journey that landed me into coaching and public speaking. The purpose of who I am is to have a global impact to society in this conversation of self growth and personal power. To support that purpose, who I am is honesty, truth, integrity and commitment.

Even just the word cancer is an interesting illusion because when we hear the word cancer, we immediately equate to death and someone we know, who had cancer. Its no wonder why so many people are generating cancer in their bodies, fear perpetuates fear and the more fear about getting something, the more we get it into our experience.

Remember, I was exactly where you are and understand the experience that is showing up in your life. It does not matter if it was thyroid cancer, brain cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, we created it all and we can create something other than what is there right now.

Now, I coach others, just like you and me, on moving from the experiences of cancer and dis-ease in our immediate now into the experience of who they truly are in their expression of the true self. I believe that all dis-ease and illness, ailments, etc. are a direct causation from our thoughts about ourselves over time that have manifested in our bodies. I am here to tell you that each one of us has attracted the experience in. I am also here to teach you how to attract the experiences you want in your life through the laws of attraction. The very same laws that attracted the dis-ease we didn't want into our lives. You can use the laws of attraction to your advantage and sustain the experiences you want in your life.

The Story of Thyroid Cancer - Alternate Perspective
By Patrick West

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