Sunday, September 14, 2008

Do You Know About These Skin Cancer Risks And Prevention?

Do You Know About These Skin Cancer Risks And Prevention?
By Candice Sabrina

Although it is not the deadliest form of cancer, skin cancer has earned the notorious label of being the most common type of cancer suffered by those in the United States. With this statistic, it makes sense to want to learn as much as possible about how to prevent skin cancer. Which groups of people are most likely to get skin cancer? What can we do to make ourselves less susceptible to this disorder?

Studies have shown that some skin types are more prone to the damaging effects of the sun and its ultraviolet rays. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, there are six different skin types. They are ranked in progressive order with skin type one being the most vulnerable to sun damage while skin type six is least vulnerable. However, even those who are not as vulnerable to skin damage from the sun should still take precautionary steps to protect themselves from harmful UV rays.

Here are descriptions of the six skin types. Type one consists of extremely fair skinned people. People with this skin type tend to burn severely and do not tan. They generally have blonde or red hair and blue or green eyes. For those with type two skin, their skin is also fair and burns easily but they will eventually develop a little bit of a tan. The eyes and hair of these people are generally a bit darker than those with skin type one.

People with skin type three have darker skin which may burn, but will turn to tan. Those with even darker skin that always tans quickly make up skin type four. Skin type five contains those with brown skin while type six includes those with black skin.

Now that you have an idea how likely you may be to develop skin cancer, there are some precautions you can take to reduce your risks. The best thing you can do for your skin is to protect it from the suns harmful UV rays. This includes staying out of tanning beds.

If you are out in the sun, even just long enough to take a walk or work in the yard; be sure to put on sunscreen. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. You should also wear a hat with a wide brim to give the skin on your face and neck extra protection from the sun.

Every thirty days or so, you should check the entire surface of your skin for any changes or new growths. These may be signs that skin cancer is developing. If you find anything unusual, bring it to your doctor's attention as soon as possible.

The type of skin that you have may increase your risk for skin cancer. This is especially so if you have fair skin that burns easily. One of the best ways to avoid skin cancer is to stay out of the sun, or at least protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays if you must be outside. You should also check your skin regularly for new growths or irregularities that might indicate the formation of skin cancer.

For more information on cancer try visiting - a website that specializes in providing cancer related information and resources including information on skin cancer

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