Monday, August 18, 2008

Worried About Getting Prostate Cancer Think Living Foods

Worried About Getting Prostate Cancer -Think Living Foods
By Helen Hecker

Early prostate cancer is confined to the prostate gland itself; most of the patients with this type of cancer can live for years without any problems. Simply put, cancer that grows in the prostate gland is called prostate cancer. In most men, prostate cancer grows very slowly; most men will never even know they have the condition.

Men at higher risk for prostate cancer include African-American men older than 60, farmers, tire plant workers, painters, and men exposed to cadmium; the lowest number of cases occurs in Japanese men and those who do not eat meat who reach the age of 80. Detected in its early stages, it can be effectively treated and cured. About 80 percent of men who reach the age of 80 have prostate cancer.

One of the most common symptoms is the inability to urinate, get checked right away. There are other symptoms that may not be mentioned here. Most prostate cancer symptoms, although associated with prostate cancer, are more likely to be connected to non-cancerous conditions.

If you have one or more symptoms, you should see a qualified doctor as soon as possible. If cancer is caught at its earliest stages, most men will not experience any symptoms. The need to urinate frequently, especially at night is another symptom.

A prostate gland biopsy usually confirms the diagnosis. A bone scan can indicate whether the cancer has spread or not. A chest x-ray may be done to see if there's a spread of cancer.

There is a newer test called AMACR that is more sensitive than the PSA test for determining the presence of prostate cancer. Urine or prostatic fluid cytology may reveal unusual cells. CT scans may be done to see if the cancer has metastasized (spread).

What you can do now is begin to understand what exactly your treatment options are and where you're going to begin. Besides hormonal drugs, hormone manipulation may also be done by surgically removing the testes. Recent improvements in surgical procedures have made complications occur less often.

Since prostate tumors require testosterone to grow, reducing the testosterone level is used to prevent further growth and spread of the cancer. Surgery, radiation, hormonal therapy and chemotherapy all have significant side effects; know fully what they are before you proceed. Surgery, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy can interfere with libido on a temporary or permanent basis.

The conventional treatment of prostate cancer is often controversial. Medicines can be used to adjust the levels of testosterone; called hormonal manipulation. Radiation therapy to the prostate gland is either external or internal, both of which use high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

Surgery, called a radical prostatectomy, removes the entire prostate gland and some of the surrounding tissues. An oncologist, a cancer specialist, will usually recommend treating with a single drug or a combination of drugs. Be aware that some men chose natural treatment options and forgo any surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

Make highly nutritious raw applesauce using a food processor and put in 3-4 cored pesticide-free apples, with the skin on, and mix for a minute; so much better for you than canned highly processed applesauce and add 1/4 tsp. cinnamon or two tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed for another boost. If you're not already doing so, make a serious effort to watch your diet closely. For snacks, choose raw nuts without salt instead of lifeless roasted nuts.

Make smoothies with fruit only, using a base of two bananas, adding a cup of frozen or fresh blueberries and mango chunks or substitute any other fruit and add an energy boost of two tablespoons of coconut oil; add one or two leaves of kale for another highly nutritional boost. Making ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know. Buy lacinato kale and juice it in your juicer with sweet carrots.

Consider taking cod liver oil or fish oil supplements every day. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts (soak them overnight first), raw seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs. Use flaxseed oil or walnut oil in your daily dark green salad.

The one thing that you should not do however is rely on information obtained from the Internet to make your final decision; double-check everything. If you do choose invasive conventional treatment, you can always change your diet and do non-invasive natural treatments too. With the advent of PSA testing, most prostate cancers are now found before they cause any symptoms.

For more information on prostate cancer treatments and prostate cancer symptoms go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in prostate and prostate cancer tips, advice and resources, including information on prostate tests and natural prostate cancer treatments

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